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It was the day. And it was much more busier and messier than yesterday. I woke up early as Talia wanted a morning wedding as she would be able to get those sun kissed pictures.

Talia's wedding dress was tinkered a bit by Cynthia. She did a wonderful job. We had called people for doing the hair as we didn't want to take chances. Morgan, our dear make up specialist took care of all our make up.

I was the maid of honor and Cynthia Morgan and her few friends from around here were her bridesmaids. Lucifer was the best man and Larry, Stuart and Phill were the groomsmen. Larry was Lucifer and Deans best friend.

We finally got Talia ready and she was the most beautiful lady I have ever seen. She was glowing and clearly happy. I have no clue how, but not for second did she seem doubtful or not sure of the wedding. The theme of the wedding was white, lavender and gold.

The bridesmaids dresses were in lavender and mine was in Gold. It was the same for the guys. I brought my dress down to her room. We all helped each other get ready.

It was going to be one hell of a wedding.


I was more than happy. My sister is getting married and hopefully I get a niece or Nephew soon. I absolutely love kids. A mafioso loving kids. How's that?.

I was giving it to Ivy after the wedding. I will probably go to her room after the party, give it to her and hopefully she stays. I love her too much to let her go. She is everything for me. I cant do it anymore. Pretend to feel something for women. Before, Ivy, I at least felt lust. I mean I would go to that tattoo shop every chance I got to fuck that rude little bitch.

Now, I don't feel anything except for Ivy. Anything. Nothing. Not even turned on. Its like, nothing else except Ivy can bring out things in me. Ivy was it. I loved her too much and let her go. I was going to fight. I know I will. Because what we had was more that love. It was beyond that.


I wore my beautiful maid of honor dress that Cynthia made. It was spectacular. I looked amazing. I wore light makeup as usual to go with it.

Talia bought me these  heels that I almost fainted at the sight of them

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Talia bought me these  heels that I almost fainted at the sight of them.

Lucifer bought me a beautiful lavender stone necklace and earrings to match

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Lucifer bought me a beautiful lavender stone necklace and earrings to match.

Lucifer bought me a beautiful lavender stone necklace and earrings to match

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I was so excited to dress up after a long time. The ceremony took place in the backyard which was beautifully decorated with lights, candles and flowers. It was a pretty casual wedding.

Dean was in tears seeing Talia walking down the aisle where I saw Lucifer squeezing his best friends hand. It was beautiful to watch it. It warmed my heart completely. My parents, being my parents, send in a Royal Chandelier as their wedding gift. I was upset but Talia clearly was jumping up and down.

Who gets excited over a chandelier? Talia.

We were planning to give the gifts during the Party.

After having lunch we all hurried back to our rooms, packed our things and rushed to the hotel in Venice. It was two hour drive. We all went in separate cars. Dean and Talia went in a car, Morgan and Cynthia came with some of the other groomsmen. Lucifer and I went alone in his two seat car.

"you looked pretty today" He said

"Thank you " I said. I didn't get to spend much time with him as the ceremony was short. Talia wanted a bigger/longer causal party.

"So, enjoyed it?"

"Yeah. Very much" I said smiling.

"Well, I missed you" He said.

"me too"

He slid up is hand up my thigh. I literally felt my blood rush. I thought that was impossible to feel. I mean, those are just words written in books right? he stopped the car and I got on top of him. He looked at me in the eye. He moved a strand of my hair from my face and lowered his face to mine slowly and closed his eyes. I savored the moment like it could be the last. Because, it could be.

"We have to stop" I said breathlessly between our hot make out sessions.

"No. We don't" he said not letting go of the grip.

"Lucifer. They'll suspect us. We were the first to leave." I said

He reluctantly let me go and I sunk back in to the passenger seat. He looked at me and smirked.

"You have no idea how much I want you"

"back at you" I said breathlessly. I don't think I will my breath back again.

We reached the hotel. He booked me a room. that idiot.

"Why did you book a room idiot" I asked.

"Well, I know you will be flying home tonight or tomorrow morning. I didn't want you to travel 256 miles to catch a flight. And having a room can get you some sleep. I know you have to join for work early as soon as you land in NY." He said. I couldn't believe the guy I dated six years ago is more considerate and carrying than the man I'm supposed to get married to.

I gave him a hug for thinking it through and went up to my room and washed my face and picked a dress for the party. I got down to help Talia and the others to organize last minute things. Talia wanted to change some flowers and things. I also helped them to pick out some music.

I went up to my room with all the girls and we got dressed together. The theme of this part was black/red. The mafias color.

We got ready and went down. The lights flashing and loud music was amazing. I was reminded of the first party I went with Lucifer and the only party I went to. He almost killed Eric that day for just laying his finger on me.  I know this is my last day with him. He hasn't said even one word about me staying. He even called NY my home. I knew he was just being casual with me and I was sure he can get any girl he wants. I was probably the only idiot holding onto some college love that probably didn't mean anything to him that a fling. But I was sure he will always be the one soul hat I loved with everything I had. with every bit of my soul, mind, body and life. And he will always be my true love. But I will be no ones.

I wiped away my tears thinking about this one quote that stuck in my head. It was Charles Bukowski

"A love like that was serious illness, an illness from which you never entirely recover"

We were now just two ex lovers who shared the best days with each other. I couldn't accept the fact that we were done. But I know I will learn to.

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