Confession pt. 1

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Third POV

It was day after Taehyung's birthday and Taehyung finally woke up. He woke up to the intoxicating smell of his mate who strangely wasn't there which was weird since he spent the night with the older omega.

I wonder where he went. Taehyung thought, getting up from his bed and stretching his arms.

Just when he was about to walk out his room to go to the bathroom, he spots a note laying on his desk. He picks it up and read its content.

Dear Angel,

As you can see, I'm not here with you. Yesterday during your party, Jimin Hyung asked me on a date, like an actual date, so I said yes. And apparently he meant today so I can't spend the day with you. Hope you don't mind and I hope you find your mate as soon as possible.

From your Kookie :)

After Taehyung read the note, he felt jealous on how easily Jimin can ask HIS mate on a date. He didn't like how close they were and how much time they spent together. Especially since now he knew Jungkook was his mate all along.

Stupid Kookie! I already found him! And it's you dumb alpha! Arghghhhh! Taehyung angrily stomped his feet, an angry pout appearing on his face.

But at last he couldn't do anything about it and can only wait for Jungkook's birthday and wait for the alpha to discover it himself.

At least now I can play with Yeontan the whole day. *Gasp! Maybe I can invite Jisung and Yuta as well. Taehyung smiled, no longer dwelling on that problem of his. Taehyung also wanted to invite Taeyong as well but Taeyong and Jaehyun went on a date today so he couldn't.

He took out his phone and immediately called the older since he thought Jisung was probably sleeping in.


Yuta picked up immediately.

"Hello?" Yuta said over the phone, no sleep in his voice but instead Taehyung could hear sniffling noises instead.

"Hyung? Are you crying? Are you ok?" Taehyung asked with concern laced in his voice.

"WinWin left meeeee!!!" Yuta cried which made Taehyung gasp.

Wait a minute.... Taehyung thought since this wasn't making any senses.

"What do you mean he lef—"

"He went back to Chinaaaaaa!" Yuta interrupted the omega.

Taehyung released a sigh of relief but was also sad that his friend had to leave so soon.

"To cheer you up, do you wanna play with Tannie today?" Taehyung asked. "I'll also buy you—"

"I'll be there at 12." Yuta said, no longer crying, then hung up the phone since it was almost 12 and he had to get ready.

Yuta always had a weak spot for dogs, especially puppies. Well same goes for Taehyung.

Now to call Sungie. Taehyung thought, scrolling through his contacts and found the one he was looking for.




The person you are dialing is not—

Ugh is he still sleeping? Taehyung dialed his number again.

Come on Sungie! Pick up the phone. I wanna play today! Taehyung thought, a pout forming on his face until a smile appeared once the alpha picked up.

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