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The title says it all. Fluff. Hope y'all don't mind.

Third POV

Taehyung was waiting outside for Jungkook to come outside since the two were partnered up for a project in their third period which they shared with Jimin.

Jimin was furious that he wasn't partnered up with Jungkook but his best friend was. But he wasn't going to blow up in Taehyung's face again since they recently made up.

Also if you're wondering what happened between Jimin and Taehyung, they actually made up a few days ago, Jimin being the one to reach out to the younger omega which was surprising since it was mostly Taehyung who did that.

"Al— Kookie?" Taehyung immediately corrected himself once he saw Jimin walking next to Jungkook.

Why's jiminie here? Taehyuhg questioned in his head, spacing out, not realizing the two were now standing in front of him.

"Angel?" Jungkook waved his hand in front of the older omega, Taehyung managing to snap back to reality.

"Oh hi Kookie." Taehyung smiled, tightly hugging the alpha who chuckled and hugged him back.

Jimin got annoyed by this and released a fake cough.

"Oh hey Minnie." Taehyung smiled, still hugging the alpha who didn't seem to mind but was actually enjoying the presence of the omega. "So what are you doing here? Aren't you gonna work on your project with Jihoon today?"

(That's just a fake character for the sake of this chapter)

"Yeah but aren't you guys worried he might do something to me?!" Jimin exaggerated. "He's an alpha and I'm an omega!"

"Princess just because our friend group is gay doesn't mean every other boy is gay too." Jungkook sighed, unconsciously playing with Taehyung's hair who didn't mind and actually liked it. "Plus he already mated with Areum and he's actual a loyal guy so I can trust him with you."

(Again. That's another fake character I made)

Jimin pouted, actually getting the point Jungkook was trying to explain since Jihoon was really loyal to his girlfriend.

"Then I'm coming too!" Jimin said, separating the two mates apart, the omega whimpered and the alpha growled. "I'm not leaving my best friend and my mate alone. Don't want anything to happen between you two."

That's when Taehyung froze.

Mate?! Did he actually lie to Jungkook about being mates with him?! Taehyung looked at the two and saw how Jungkook didn't protest anything Jimin said but he saw some type of betrayal on the alpha's face.

Jimin saw hurt written all over Taehyung's face but wasn't sure on why until it hit him.

Does he also like Jungkook? Jimin thought, clinging onto Jungkook's arm, looking Taehyung who was staring ahead.

"Aren't you gonna work on your own project with Jihoon today?" Jungkook asked. "We only have a few days to do it."

"He's going on a date with Areum later today so we're doing it tomorrow." Jimin said, actually not lying this time.

Jungkook nodded his head, understanding what Jimin said.

"Well let's get going." Taehyung quickly said, quickly walking ahead of the two.

"Wait for me angel!" Jungkook tried to run after Taehyung to be right by his side but the older omega was not allowing him to do so. "Let go of me!" Jungkook harshly said, pushing Jimin off his arm now running to Taehyung's side who looked happy to see the alpha by his side.

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