Classified-Case 4

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It's been about five hours since Mrs. Sakura arrived.

It turns out Mom was right. Dad inhaled a poisonous air that actually effected Jinchuuriki's. That seems a little... specific for it to affect Jinchuuriki's.

"It sounds like someone is trying to kill Naruto" Mrs. Sakura said.

Dad was feeling better when Mrs. Sakura gave Dad a herb to eat. He was resting on the couch right now.

Mrs. Sakura gave me a medicine to take to make my head pain go away and gave me a ice-pack to place on my head where it hurts at.

"Is Daddy going to be ok?" Himawari asked. Mrs. Sakura smiled. "Of course, Himawari! I'll make sure your Dad gets better" She said and 'Booped' Himawari on the nose. Himawari smiled.

~TiMe SkIp~

Two days later, Dad was back on his feet and completely healthy again. He came downstairs, yawning.

I rushed down the stairs and skidded to a halt.

Mom and Hima saw Dad and they looked a little bit surprised and happy. "Daddy! You're feeling better now!" Hima said happily as she rushed over to hug Dad.

Dad smiled. "I sure am!" Mom set down the food and drinks. "Today is your birthday! Good thing you're feeling all better now. You must have a lucky birthday!" Mom smiled.

Dad grinned " I guess I do."

Himawari quickly rushed to the dresser by the table and opened on of the drawers. She took out a medium sized gift and handed it to Dad. "Here's your early morning birthday gift!" She said happily, smiling.

Dad grabbed it " I wonder what it is" he said.

Himawari giggled "You'll see!..."

Dad unwrapped the gift and opened the box inside the wrapping paper. He pulled out a hidden leaf village headband and a jacket that looks like his old 15-year-old one, but looks better and would fit him.

"Thank you, Hima. I love it" Dad smiled as he hugged Himawari .

Mom smiled. "Boruto? Don't you also have a early morning gift to give?" She asked.

I know what Mom's gift is: our breakfast!

The pancakes and eggs were shaped like the Uzumaki symbol and the Village's leaf symbol.
Mom also served ramen, dumplings and cookies.

"Right! I almost forgot" I said as I rushed upstairs.

I searched through my dresser for the two matching necklaces. I quickly grabbed them and ran downstairs.

I then handed one to Dad, and showed him the other one in my hand.

I grinned "Happy birthday, Stupid old man!" I said. Dad smirked.

"Thank you, Boruto" And he hugged me. He placed it around his neck, and adjusted it. It shined when the crystal part hit the sunlight. It was like staring into a shining star in the night.

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