Forty-One: Memory

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Forty-One: Memory

[ J A M I E ]

"You two are gross" Cole groaned with a mouthful of fries, chewing the food in his mouth before swallowing the heap of potato and grease down into his gullet with a satisfied sigh. Wiping at the grease on his mouth with a spare napkin, Cole eyed Jamie where he sat upon Ava's shoulder making the tiny human a little nervous, "I'm trying to eat here~ why don't you eat the food you ordered, I'm sure Jamie doesn't taste that good" Cole smirked, bringing his soda to slurp at as he eyed the human and giantess at the diner table

Jace watched as Jamie blushed lightly at Coles words and turned away from view into Avas large fingers as a way to hide as she pulled him back from her face, and her lips, the giantess reacting immediately by leaning forward over the table to shove at Coles face who groaned in response "piss off would you, mind your own business. Who even invited you here?" Ava grunted, sending Cole a glare before looking down toward Jamie with a soft gaze apologetically, her fingers finding themselves beginning to massaging at his back to try and comfort him.

"Sorry I didn't mean to be loud" Ava whispered softly this time, making Jamie smile before he was brought face first to her chest, held there against the girls bosom as she cradled her tiny boyfriend in an attempt at a loving hug, grunting he couldn't help but squirm in her grasp feeling engulfed. At times he didn't mind being pressed against Ava and cradled since she was extremely warm and smelt good. He had become somewhat use to being smothered by the giant girl at that point, not really having a choice how he was chosen to be held by her, or what she wanted to do with him or where she would place him with their obvious size difference.

He didn't mind most the time..

"Leave em alone Cole~ they're just in love" Jace smiled and poked at Coles side, chuckling at the blondes reaction before looking down at Jamie with playful smile, making Jamie shift a little uncomfortably and moved closer to Ava.

When he was brought back onto the table, his face was red and flustered and he tried avoiding eye contact with Cole who was snickering to himself at the small boys fortune, while rubbing his cheek that had been shoved by Ava whilst bringing more fries into his mouth he continued to shake his head with amusement at Jamie.

"In fact Katy invited me~ who so happens to be trying to eat also" Cole nudged Katy a little, who sat to the side, dark eyes widening as her name was mentioned and quickly shook her head.

"Hey don't bring me into this, I think their relationship is cute too" the dark skinned girl smiled toward Ava then down to Jamie, who smiled back up at the other giantess. Jace nodded along with Katy, bringing a burger to his gaping mouth to devour.

"Thanks Katy" Jamie spoke up to the giantess, who nodded in return and continued eating her food. Jamie turned to look to Ava, surprising him seeing as she was eyeing him with a raised brow suspiciously. Confused, he shrugged his shoulders up to her questioningly and moved closer to her hand that rested upon the table. Maybe she wanted attention? Moving to rest against her fingers, he was surprised as she dragged her hand back away from him.

"Have you guys seen Austin much lately? I swear he doesn't even come to school anymore" Jace spoke then with a mouthful of food and Jamie turned his attention away from Ava to the other Giant boy, seeing that Jace was frowning and Katy was playing with her food, gently pushing around the fries on her plate with a fork.

"I think he's just been feeling down about Tess.. he told me that he's focusing on Backnott at the moment to try get into college, he's got training this afternoon actually" Cole purses his lips and his eyes found themselves landing on Jamie "has anyone heard anything from Tess? Is she okay?"

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