Thirty-Four: Shaken

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Thirty-Four: Shaken

Tess's world had become one surrounded by bars, metal above and on every side of her. She was cold, couldn't seem to escape it, shaking to her very bones and only able to create the smallest of heat by making a makeshift blanket by tearing some of the floor which consisted of newspaper. Wrapping the paper around her shoulders like some kind of scarf, it didn't even seem to make a dint in effort in helping her keep warm. She had cried all her tears, had nothing left in the tank. Now as she sat in her cage, stomach crying out for food and throat so dry it began to feel like a dessert. Swallowing, she tried wetting her lips with her dried tongue, looking to her water bowl that was a murky brown and clearly hadn't been changed. She'd rather die of thirst before she took a droplet from that thing. While Lenny was away at training, she was left with who appeared to be his girlfriend, Josie. She was a little dim, Tess having watched her as she dressed and stumbled about the room on clumsy feet, seeming to be living with Lenny as she already had clothes in his cupboard for her to change into, having to climb over the mounds of clothes and pile of water bottles that were left on the ground

Did Lenny have no parents? She hadn't heard an adults voice in so long or seen any evidence or appearances from a parent the entirety of her stay. Someone who could save her from this horrible room, anyone would do. She hoped Darrick or Jace were planning to rescue her, were already on their way to take her away from this hell hole. Josie tried talking to her every now and then, asking her name and if she was really dating Darrick and telling her the gossip at school. Josies voice only put Tess in a bad mood, frowning and sinking in on herself the more she spoke.

"Like he's really hot [darrick]. I've heard he's got a big dick too. Have you seen it? Surely you have~ literally I don't think he's ever dated anyone before" Jose spoke to Tess as if  they were best friends, as if she wasn't keeping her locked in a cage, as if she hadn't witnessed Lenny kidnapping her hours before and tormenting her.

"He's really smart too~ once a month he goes to these like special classes that's meant to be this big secret but everyone knows. Ive seen him go into the office and he'll just like disappear for a whole day with a Tutor.." Tess noticed Josie would twirl her hair as she spoke, looking at her phone and sometimes to her hands as if they were the most interesting thing in the world. Tess frowned a little as she was learning more about Darrick from Josie compared to all the time she'd spent with him, never had she heard any mention of these special classes. She knew he was smart but didn't know he was top in a lot of his classes.

"I heard rumours that he's rooting the principal for extra marks... wouldn't surprise me, all his friends are horn dogs. Especially that Austin~ I swear he tries to get with every girl he lays eyes on" Josie scoffed and Tess winced at her words and her heart hammered in her chest, trying to block out her voice and trying to not believe her. Darrick wouldn't do that, he wouldn't. He wasn't that type of boy! On the other hand she fully believed what she said about Austin, not surprised that was a well known feature of Austins personality

In all that time Tess couldn't find herself uttering a single word, instead staring to her feet as she huddled together in a small bundle trying to keep herself warm with her makeshift newspaper blanket and arms. Still simply wearing her lingerie from when Darrick and herself had spent the night together. Closing her eyes she let herself think back to the night, the warmth of his breath, his soft lips pressed against her body. The thoughts made her cheeks warm and she curled closer to herself, trying to reminisce in the memories of Darrick. The lines of his hands and groove of his jawline, how he'd make a little smile to himself after every kiss.

"Hey! You don't talk much huh~" Tess startled from her thoughts as she heard the giantesses voice, loud in her ears and making her eyes snap open up through the bars of her prison to see Josie leaning forward in lennys bed to come face to face with Tess. Tess cowered back, surprised by the sudden close proximity between the two "If I take you out will you talk to me?"

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