Forty-Four: In The Sheets

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Forty-Four: In The Sheets

(Some NSFW 18+) 

Austin had been released and allowed to go home with instructions to stay in bed and rest, which Tess knew Austin wouldn't follow directions to stay seated and rest. Tess decided she'd stay with Darrick, not wanting to go back home to her oversized lonely home to be bored in bed once again. So instead of travelling in the car with Brian, Mom and Austin she instead left curled up in the pocket of Darricks jumper who ordered them an Uber that smelled strongly of BO and incense which was trying to mask the smell of the old man that had been seated in his car  for hours til his skin became almost one with the chair.

On arrival to his home, Darrick pulling the garage open to enter his room he let out a long sigh as he moved to retrieve his girlfriend from his pocket. Smiling as their eyes met, Tess couldn't help the warmth in her cheeks as she felt Darricks hands all around her, fingers caressing the skin on her legs as he brought her down onto the landscape of his mattress.

"What a big day, I'm exhausted" he sighed, making butterflies flutter her stomach as he tried masking a small yawn with the back of his hand.

"Same~" she replied softly, her tired eyes watching as the giant boy manoeuvred about his bedroom to go to his drawers and pull out an oversized shirt for himself and boxers. Tess shifted a little where she sat, tugging on her sweatshirt she frowned as she didn't have a change of clothes herself to go to bed in.

Looking up, she jumped a little as Darrick was now standing over her once again, his bed shirt slung over his shoulder and his hands on his hips. "I was gonna have a shower~ if you want you can join me" he gave a cheeky smile

"Join? I'd probably drown in a giants shower. I can't swim too good remember" her eyes widened, backing into the mattress away from her large boyfriend who began to shake his head.

"No" he chuckles, reaching down he gently lifts her up between his thumb and pointer finger, depositing her into his opposite palm as he began to make his way with Tess in hand toward his bathroom "i know that, I remember. You can go in the sink if you'd like. Perfect makeshift sized human bath"

"Okay I guess~ it's not too deep is it?" she questioned, leaning back into the expanse of his palm she idly let her legs dangle over the edge of his palm as he walked,

"You'll be fine babe~ I promise" he spoke whilst smiling down, making her insides throb as he looked at her as she laid down. Seeming to get an idea, he gently curled his middle finger between her thighs so that his finger pressed onto her stomach. Gasping she wriggled trying to sit up but he pushed her back down playfully with his oversized finger

"Hey get off me!" She huffed, hearing his deep chuckling that should belong to a man, similar to thunder as it rumbled in his chest. She tried keeping her hammering heart at bay and instead shoved at his giant finger as he playfully held her in the palm of his hand, he lightly snaked his giant digit up beneath her hoodie to feel the warmth of her stomach. Giving up on getting his finger off, she wrapped her legs and arms around his finger and cling onto him

"Your like a little monkey" he chuckles playfully as he sat down onto the toilet lid now in his bathroom, bouncing his finger a little which she clung onto. Squeezing her arms and legs tighter, so she wouldn't fall off, he smirked and easily pried her off so that he could move her down to place into his lap where he pressed his legs together, setting her within the crevice of his clutched legs.

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