Fifty-Three: Trapped

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Fifty-Three: Trapped

Darrick clearly wasn't thinking straight as he found himself storming through a humans home at his smallest size until he found Tess upon the porch he'd seen her standing on earlier. Grabbing her arm he pulled her toward himself then snapped his attention back to this blonde dude, who'd been all handsy with his girlfriend before when waiting for her out front. He felt an overwhelming urge to grab this guy and strangle him, he knew he could but instead reached for Tess, in one easy motion he lifted her up over his shoulder and carried her out the front door slung over him like a sack of potatoes. She squirmed a little at first but could probably tell he wasn't about to put her down.

He ignored the stares of horror and shock from the other humans, instead taking long strides to get out of there in a heartbeat. Being butt naked he hurried over to the hills of clothes that he'd shrunken out of. He didn't care he was naked, didn't care for the humans opinions on him. He was too angry to care

He swallowed that anger as if it was a fire-seed and forgot to drink something cool, and so it grew inside him until it came out as hot as any dragon has ever flamed... on the person he loved most. Her eyes reflected up at him, how his fire burnt her to ash. She usually loved his sparks of passion, the way he sizzled for her even in the rain, but that inferno was more than his heart could manage.

"Who was that! Why was he kissing you!" His voice was louder then he'd ever shouted before, gripping at her wrist he could feel the fragility of her bones in his fingers. He could've broken her arm, snapped it like a twig but was able to let go once seeing her wince. He knew it wasn't her fault but he couldn't help the anger, from what he could tell he was very jealous. If he could see himself he knew he'd be red. She was like a little bunny in front of him, so small he could cuddle her up in his arms. But he couldn't calm himself, felt like crying and yelling.

"N-no one." she stuttered, pulling her arm to her chest where a red hand mark had been left. His eyes narrowed and then snapped back toward the house, humans, so selfish sometimes. He could see as they scattered from the windows having been spying on him. How dare he kiss his girlfriend, bringing his arms around her he quickly grew until she fit in the palm of his hand. He didn't waste a second to pull his clothes back on and set his tiny girlfriend in his pocket, not asking if it was okay first as he set her inside and turned back toward the smaller home before his feet. He ignored her squirms and shouts of protest, instead sealing her in by simply buttoning up his pocket

His fists clenched, knuckles turning white at his side.  he kept his anger grounded to not crush the home into splinters. But instead he hurried to leave, heading to his house. Ignoring the security guard that was staring at him as if he were about to eat little Tess


Stepping into his room he pulled the garage door down behind him, moving around to his bed he reached for his tiny girlfriend and retrieved her from his pocket between his fingers. She was delicate, he knew that but he dropped her down onto his pillow and moved away feeling every inch of his body burning with a deep pit of anger. Frustration. Hurt but also confused. He knew she hadn't kissed him, had seen her push that kid away but he couldn't help it. His chest twisted, looking down at her small body he had to turn away and moved to his cupboard. Ripping his shirt off, he chucked it to the side of the room to then retrieve a clean shirt. He didn't know what to say, didn't know what he should do. Surely if he were to speak he'd just get angry all over again.

He was so mad, he should've punched that kid in the face but he would've probably killed him. He'd Learnt to not hurt smaller people ever since he was a kid, he wasn't about to hit a weak human. He wish he had now as he felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes, burning hot, he kept his back to Tess so she wouldn't see but she could probably tell he was upset. Pressing his hand to his face, he let out a huff of frustration before finally turning. His chest was still bare, his clean shirt held loosely in his hands still.

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