Twelve: Lunch Date

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So I posted twice in one day? Whaaaa! I thought to give you more since not much has been happening

Twelve: Lunch Date

Art class had been great! Cherry was so kind and funny. We got along surprisingly well though we only just met. We were laughing and smiling like a bunch of loons by the end of class. I found out that the boys name was Oscar but I was told to call him Oreo. The nicknames were funny so far and I gladly called them by their chosen names.  The boy was so quiet and only joined in on the conversation once or twice when cherry addressed him, he was so sweet.

Cherry was in my math thank god! and for once I had a great time learning algebraic fractions, Cherry was as bad at math as I was and we just talked and laughed together the entire time. We had to even be told by the teacher to be quiet a few times. We giggled quietly together and continued anyways. We talked about where I came from back in the human walls and also where she lived. We soon figured our that she didn't live too far from Brian's house, so we organised to meet up, handing over each other's numbers so we could talk.

She told me how she had an older brother called Eric that was currently in college back in the human sector but was coming home in about a week to continue his apprenticeship in a more integrated college so had a more chance of finding a job near home.

I practically knew everything about her and she about me by the end of the class. We were walking together off to lunch, arms linked with Oreo trailing behind. She was taller than me by a lot, i had to look up to her when we stood side by side. I felt like a little kid.

I tried my best to talk to Oreo but he simply just nodded or shook his head in reply to everything I said. He was cute, in a scared kitten way.

"your sitting next to me, I don't care what Henryk says. He can deal with it. He can miss out on one lunch not sitting next to me" Cherry giggles and I smiled along with her, she had this way of just making me smile no matter what she said

"I haven't met him yet, let's hope he likes me" I smiled, I'd met nearly everyone that attended here and so far I'd made one friend. Slowly  thoughts entered my mind, was Henryk the boy in my roll call class.  Cherry laughed, a sweet bubbly sound, dragging me from my thoughts.

"Of course he will, your amazing! If he doesn't I'll break his nose" She smiled and gave me a squeeze against her side, making me smile and bite my lip, hoping she was joking. I began wondering if Jules was gonna be there too, she didn't seem like she'd be friends with cherry, they were very different personalities wise.

As we neared the cafeteria I began to feel that I was forgetting something. I looked to Oreo as we walked and saw he was on his phone playing a game on it, he didn't look uncomfortable or annoyed that I was stealing Cherry's attention. Cherry reminded me a lot of Jace, how excitable she became over little things and her large smile that lit up her face.


"Shit~ Um sorry cherry but I can't sit with you today, I really want to! But I promised one of my friends I'd meet him for lunch. Uh, is there anyway I can get to the giant cafeteria? He told me about some meeting area?" I looked to Cherry who's eyes were wide as they locked on me, her normal happy bubbly stature dropped a little and she looked... scared?  I looked to Oreo and he was.. paler than usual, eyes to the ground not being able to look in my direction.

"Uh, Yeah~ Okay" she murmured and her arm loosened around mine "I'll show you the way, Oreo I'll meet up with you at the table" she gave a small tight smile, Oreo/Oscar looked at us with wide eyes and nodded quickly and without hesitation he decided not to stick around and rushed away continuing down the hall

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