Eleven: Awkward Beginnings

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It was like a ghost town, walking through the halls of the human school I noticed how quiet it was. You could hear a pin drop. I had been expecting the usual hustle and bustle of a normal school, bodies swarming, people chatting, but there was nothing. Just empty corridors. No friends greeting each other with a hug or a playful punch or any other  newcomers standing looking scared like me.

It was a little unsettling, knowing there were hundreds of giants outside, talking, laughing, going to classes, collecting books from lockers. Being a normal everyday high school, how I'd taken that for granted back home up until now. I had hated kids back at school, how they taunted and teased me, even when I changed I hated how suddenly their view on me changed. I didn't know if I'd rather that or the deathly silence here. Maybe the silence.. silence for sure.

Jules had lead me around the school for about ten minutes now, showing me where some of the classes were, all were empty, every single one of them was empty. Which was a little unsettling at first but I took notice of how Jules didn't seem to think much of it at all. it calmed me a little seeing her so easy going about it, that it wasn't out of the ordinary for literally no one to be around.

"So what brought you to the land of the giants, T?" Jules spoke through the silence, her voice was low and husky for a girl. I looked to see she was looking at me now, through her dark makeup her grey eyes were alight with curiosity. I let out a sigh, a where to begin sigh. Looking to her I saw she picked at her fingernails as we walked, her nails were already bitten down to the quick. She nibbled at their frayed, form edges like a famished mouse. Nervous maybe? She didn't look nervous or show it for that matter.

She was taller than me too and her longer legs made her stride bigger and faster. I had to almost jog to keep up with her so I wasn't left behind.

"I um," I started with a stutter and bit at the corner of my lip, thinking about Mum and Brian. "Me and my mum moved here. We moved into her boyfriends house with his son... they can't really go to the human sector since they wouldn't fit" I gave a laugh at the idea hoping to lighten the mood, but quickly stopped when Jules didn't seem amused. "How about you?"

She shrugged and began to nod slowly,  "my family moved here a few years ago for business, Dad got the job he's always wanted and.. guess now I'm stuck" she sighed lowly and looked to me through her heavy makeup "you get use to it"

Get use to it! I could never imagine getting use to this, even with the slow friendships I was building with the giants, I could never get use to being around Giants twenty for seven. I couldn't picture myself ever getting use to the sheer size of Austin, Brian may be kind but.. it was unsettling knowing he could easily kill me, it'd be so simple.

My face must have shown my worry cause Jules chuckled and shakes her head, "don't look so down, T," she rolled her eyes as I shake out of my stupor, attempting a smile which i could tell looked forced.

"I just can't see myself getting use to this, you know? Everything's just so big and... and~"

"Scary" Jules spoke quieter than what she had been, her eyes cast down for a second playing with her fingers. I noticed she did that quite a bit.

"Yeah~" I murmured beneath my breath, "terrifying actually.." I spoke softly as we fell into silence, my eyes wandering off to the side to look anywhere else. Jules didn't seem to know what to say either and we just quietly walked along side by side, it wasn't an uncomfortable silence, just... a silence, if you didn't count our shoes scuffing the ground. I could imagine Jace being here now, how he'd fidget and try to get the conversation up again, maybe blurt anything to get everyone's attention .

I couldn't imagine being friends with Jules, she was a little standoffish but also, kind in her own strange way. She wasn't bad I guess. She was the one showing me around right now. I couldn't help the feeling of wanting her to like me, drawn to the fact that she'd been the only other human I'd met in the past few days, nearly a week now. Wow, I'd really been living with Brian and Austin for that long..

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