Forty-Eight: Snatched

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Forty-eight: Snatched

Opening her eyes felt more like a task, with a pounding head and stomach aching she was surprised she hadn't woken up in a puddle of her own vomit. Groaning, she slowly let her eyes open, almost blinded by the morning sun andnwhixkly buried her head back into the pillows she lay upon. She recognised the bed as her own, could tell by the warm blanket and pillows around her that smelled of her perfume. How she got here, she couldn't remember. What even happened last night, her memories foggy from the alcohol.

"Morning sleepy head, how you feeling?" Tess felt her stomach flip at the familiar voice, turning her head in the direction of Darrick. Cracking her eyes open she sees her large boyfriend sitting on the bed beside her, shirt off and revealing his bare chest and making her heart flutter. He was like an Angel, smiling so large it made her sick to her stomach. How was he so happy and she so hungover. She could see he had Panadol and water waiting for her on the bedside table.. aw

"Mmm cuddle me" Tess groaned, shifting her head lazily into Darricks lap and making him chuckle. Resting his hand in her hair he began gently playing with the strawberry blonde locks, curling them around his long finger and flattening the birds nest that was her hair down.

"Your that hungover huh? Not surprised" he chuckles, delicately grazing the hair out of her eyes "Do you even remember what happened last night?" He asked slowly, cautiously as if testing her memory. Raising her brow, she shifted a little wondering what she must have gotten upto

Tess hummed against his touch, it helped somewhat to distract her from her hangover. Thinking about it for a hard long moment, she tried to recall what happened the night before. She remember dancing on the table and being annoyed that Darrick wouldn't let her dance with Katy. Tess was so nervous before arriving to Coles she had tried downing as many drinks as possible, forgetting that she was a somewhat lightweight to alcohol. Maybe getting blind drunk before a party wasn't the best idea, especially when your with your still very new boyfriend. What would he think of her!

It clicked. Gasping she turns over to look up at Darrick with shock and disgust in her eyes, "oh my god~ babe!" finally her eyes opened fully to look at Darrick, seeing as he scrunches his nose and winces as he realises she remembered. Gasping, she shakes her head, ashamed! She was in his pants! She forced herself on him like some perv! All the memories flashed back to her in parts, she felt the heat, the smell and discomfort of being trapped within his pants! Oh my god

"Shit~ " Darrick groans and holds her face between his hands with worry in his eyes "I'm so sorry I know I shouldn't of done that" Darricks face was brighter then a beetroot, but she wasn't too far behind, her blush breaking across the bridge of her nose and ears

"No, no it's okay!" she laughed weakly in both shock and embarrassment, shaking her head she groans and hides her face behind his hands "I can't believe I tried to do that! I never do anything like that. Did anyone see?" Her heart sank, hoping no one saw their scandalous moment!

"It's okay~ no no one saw" he moves his hands from her face "you were pretty keen last night though, I was surprised" he laughs lowly, cheeks having turned a shade of pink as he looked down at her, his brown eyes soft and jaw strong. She felt like whimpering being in his lap, being so close to Darrick felt like something out of a dream still. He was so perfect, so handsome. She wished she could remember more of what happened, cause maybe she could be better next time.

Turning, she moved up into a sitting position before Darrick, her stomach groaning in response and a splitting headache explodes in her skull, feeling close to death. She felt disgusting. She needed to shower and brush her teeth, could feel the makeup dried on her face and eyes. She probably looked like a mess, but Darrick just smiled at her as if she were the prettiest thing he'd ever seen. Looking down she saw that she was in fact wearing his shirt, her dress no where to be seen. Darrick having must have changed her when she was knocked out drunk. How does he do that..

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