Sixty-eight: Be Quiet

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Sixty-eight: Be Quiet

My room was fairly large, considering there was no other Roomate. A single bed with plenty of space beside it to twirl around, I could lay on the ground and do sit ups if I liked. Having caught a glance at myself in the bathroom mirror, my hair tied back into a loose ponytail, deep circles under my eyes and no makeup. I could see my cheekbones were slightly sunken, having gone through phases of loosing my appetite. I couldn't help it, some days I don't feel like eating. Darrick hasn't noticed neither did my mother. If anything Darrick said I looked good the other day.

The jumpsuit was baggy, too large for my small frame. I didn't really mind, it was comfortable Atleast. I could lounge in it nicely and not feel uncomfortable, or restricted. It was pleasant enough.

A knock on the door, I turned toward it with a startled heart, not expecting anyone to be knocking. Pushing back a stray hair out of my face, I move forward to open it, the hinges squeezing as the door swings open. I freeze for a moment at the large body in the door frame

"Darrick?" I smiled, and he quickly brought me into an embrace "are you allowed in here?" My voice is muffled by his large chest, squeezed closer I felt my breath hot against his jumpsuit

"No, but there's no one here at the moment to tell me otherwise" he smiled, shuffling further into the doorway, forcing me deeper into the room before closing the door behind him. He didn't waste a second to begin pressing a kiss to my lips, then another i couldn't help but smile a little at the thought of Darrick risking getting in more trouble for me

"I wanted to see you" he brushed his oversized hand on my cheek, I couldn't stop from turning a crimson red under his fingertips.

Darrick pulled away and looked around the room, keeping his hands on my shoulder as he looked at the bland walls and small bed "it's a lot nicer then my room, that's for sure" he had to duck under the light on the roof, avoiding hitting his big head.

"It's okay I guess, it's not a five star establishment or anything" I shrugged, eyes catching a cobweb swaying in the corner of the ceiling 

Ignoring the web, I sit down on my bed, I looked up at him. He filled the entire room with his presence, unable to resemble the size of a regular human even with his abilities. He was 7 ft Atleast, my head grazing just bellow his belly button when I sat down.

"It would be generous to give it one star" he brushed at his arms as if imaginary cobwebs were wrapped around his body.

Rubbing at his chest now, I could tell he was trying to hide the fact that his body was crying out against him for shrinking down into such a cramped size, still having not "healed" itself since growing so large in the forest.

"I'm sorry you're here," he spoke softly then, frowned before lowering down to the bed beside me, his head dropping look to his hands. I bit my tongue knowing deeply I could curse him out, tell him how unfair this was, how he should have never listened to Austin.. but I couldn't bring myself to. Instead moving closer to his body.

"It's okay, it'll be over soon" I placed my head on his arm, closing my eyes and sighing softly feeling the warmth of his body on my cheek "no one wants to be here, I'm sorry that we've all been forced here"

He didn't say anything in return, as if contemplating what he wanted to say but come up short on a response. Instead his hand rested on my other cheek, gently stroking it as we sat together quietly.



Austin glowered at Jace from across the room, "that's bullshit and you know it" Austin shook his head a few times, sat cross legged on his bed he stared at Jace in utter disbelief. Like little boy on school camp, boredom turned into small talk, then that turned into secrets and now Jace was trying to convince Austin that Katy liked him back all this time. But Austin didn't believe it, didn't believe he really liked Katy that much anymore. His heart felt tight in his chest, shaking his head some more he took strong breaths through his nose

"It's not!" Jace exclaimed, his eyes wide and his arms outstretched before him "I'm telling you I'm never wrong about these types of things. I got a fifth sense you know" Jace smiled, a crooked smile that made his dimples appear. Austin rolled his eyes and leant against the wall behind him.

"Sure" Austin scoffs, looking to the bathroom door thinking about when they had swam together. His body warmed, embarrassed by the thought of being rejected so shamelessly.

"It's not bullshit, Katy likes you" Jace crossed his arms, nodding a few times as if trying to convince himself.

"Who told you that? From whose mouth did those words come from? Hm?!"austin looked back at Jace, he could have smacked that look off his face in that that moment.

Jace shrugged, "it's a secret"

"We all know you can't keep a secret, why is it now of all times you think you shouldn't say anything" Austin exclaimed, exasperated by this topic he nearly leapt up out of his bed

"Because~ I swore an oath" Jace was so childish

"So you are lying?" Austin spat back

"No!" Jace shouted almost, eyes widening he slumped in on himslef "no" he spoke softer

"What's all this screaming about? We're meant to be going to lunch" the two boys turned their heads, still fired up from the topic at hand Austin's eyes were wide and Jace had a sheepish expression. Cole leant his body in through, wearing his blue jumpsuit and his long curls tied back into a bun off his face. He gave a droopy smile , looking between the two with his arms crossed infront of him as if holding onto himself would help him from falling over

"Nothing" Austin stood from his bed, looking down at Jace who was still watching cole in the doorway

"Cause Austin likes Katy" Jace blurts, pushing himself away immediately as Austin grabs at his body, dragging him by the collar of his blue jumpsuit across the bed like a rag doll and dumping him on the hard ground at his feet with an oomf

"I swear to god Jace!" Austin pushes and pulls him around, he would have gotten carpet burn if he weren't wearing his jumpsuit. Austin slapped at Jaces arms, trying to grab at his hands to stop him from fighting back so that he could pin him. Jace was simply laughing as he fought off Austin,  unable to defend himself against the athlete body atop of him. Austin couldn't help himslef from roughly pushing Jace into the ground with the entire weight of his own body, climbing on top of him and pushing his face into the dirty carpet. As if playing a game of Backnott he mashes his cheek into the floor, he couldn't tell if he wanted to hurt him even more in that moment as Jace simply laughed and squirmed under neath him as he was pinned to the floor

"What! Was that meant to be a secret?" Jace almost squeals as Austin grapples with Jaces body more so easily, too weak to fight him off as Austin pushes him harder into the floor. Poking at his sides, Jace yells out in pain and laughter

"Ouch! Austin you're hurting me!" Jace shouts, whining whilst trying to worm his way out from beneath him

Austin groans at Jaces flailing legs, receiving an elbow in the chest and nearly hitting the metal frame of the bed, considering they didn't have much wrestling room, just about did it for him. So he climbed off his friend, annoyed at the dull pain in his chest

"Oh?" Cole smiles at the two tightly, as if only having just caught up with the conversation, not having reacted to the scuffle before him "really?" His brows lifted slowly, he seemed as if he were still high

"I'm so over this conversation" Austin pushed his toe into Jaces side, Jace still laying on the ground, catching his breath. Jace glared up at Austin, quickly getting up and sitting on the edge of his bed

"So you do like her, that wasn't a no" Jace smiles, brushing off the dust on his knees

"Shut up Jace" Austin snapped, moving to sit down himself, out of breath.

"True~ well" Coles cheeks were flushed pink when Austin looked at him, inching out of the doorway he looked as if he had something more to say but decided otherwise. Austin's nose scrunched, he couldn't tell if he was scowling or not as Cole avoided eye contact, seeming awkward, " I'm going to lunch. Meet yous there" Cole turned, moving down the hallway and out of site

Austin felt something was off, looking to Jace for confirmation but he didn't seem to have caught onto anything. Jace already standing to leave and follow cole. Austin sat for a moment, thinking before he stood to follow the other two to the dining hall. Weird

Update lol! Probbaly not the best I rushed it but here ya go!!

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