Seven: Shopping Trip

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Seven: Shopping Trip

I sit quietly in Austins lap, looking over at Jace drumming his fingers on the wheel of the car in time with the music. He bobs his head, his light brown hair bouncing and flopping around against his forehead. His cap is gone now and probably sitting on the ground by itself, back in Austins room, most likely kicked under the bed.

I can't help smile softly and turn my attention to the window high above me. I see a blue sky, a bright contrast against the trees and white fluffy clouds. This planet is lush with life, and the giants like to keep it that way, unlike us humans.. We destroyed ours, so now the Giants have pretty much banned anything that pollutes the air. I sigh and blink slowly out at the world I'm yet to discover, leaving me to wonder what a giants daily life could be like. I'm too small to be able to walk the streets myself, and then there's those anti human Giants to look out for.

"What you thinking about, Tessie?" I blink and quickly turn my attention back to Jace. Jace looks at me briefly, his eyes flicking around the road in front of him before landing on me. He smiles, winking down at me before focusing back on driving again.

"Nothing... just looking outside" I roll my eyes and laugh under my breath as I cross my legs, looking up at Austin who's laughing softly at Jace as well, rolling his eyes.

Music plays softly in the background, thrumming from the speakers that are on either side of the car. I look back up, seeing Austins smile brightening at Jace doing a terrible dance move with only his head and one hand, the other on the wheel of the car so he doesn't crash. I laugh and roll my eyes, idiot.

After a while, the car is pretty much silent except for the music, Darrick not having said a word the entire trip while Austin and Jace have been bobbing their heads along to the beat and lip syncing the words of their terrible taste in music. It's a mix between rock and heavy metal and something else. It's not good. It's like a screeching animal with someone playing a guitar in the background.

I sigh loudly through my nose, crossing my arms over my chest. I listen to every peep and tap, hearing a horn blare outside, making me wince a little. I look around the filthy car, seeing wrappers scattered across the ground and cans of drink shoved between the seats. I lean to the side and notice a melted lollipop in the cup holder, it's sweet odour wafting up and hitting my nose. My nose scrunches up and I turn away, trying to focus on something else and not the garbage in the car.

Im then looking outside again when I hear Darrick let out an annoyed breath in the back seat of the car and then some shifting, the leather seat groaning under his weight.

I wonder why he's so quiet? Is it my fault? Is he one of the human haters that I've heard of, is he secretly plotting something in the back seat. My eyes widen at my own stupid thoughts and I slowly lean to the right on Austins knee, looking around Austins huge body and into the back to see Darrick looking down at a phone. He's huge, taking up most of the back seats with his large frame, man spreading and giving me a displeasing view of his crotch .

When he was standing before back at Austins, he was at least another head taller then Austin and Jace combined. I look to his hands clasped around his tiny phone, realising he could easily envelope my entire body inside his cupped hands.

My blue eyes travel up and look into his soft, glowing hazel eyes. A smile tugs at my lips, but I hide it seeing that his jaw has been locked into place and his plump lips are being chewed on by his perfect white teeth. His finger swipes over his extremely small phone screen, his eyes wondering over whatever he's reading.  He's completely engaged on the screen and on nothing else that's happening around him.

Living With The Giantsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें