Thirty-Nine: Surprise

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Thirty-Nine: Surprise

One week went by and then another. Many days passed and she hadn't even thought to step foot back into school. Couldnt face the giants, couldn't face Austin. She hadn't spoken to Austin the entire time she'd been trapped within her human home, he'd come by to try and speak to her on multiple occasions but she'd simply ignore him until he'd give up and leave. The only outsider she would make contact with was either Darrick, who would shrink and come inside to lay in bed with her and watch movies, occasionally allowing herself time to be held in his giant hands when he'd leave or be feeling too achy to shrink. Or Jace, who would come around and sit at the office desk and talk to her about his day at school. Her mother tried visiting but work was her priority, having to leave early and arrived home late.

Most of her days was sitting in her room, either watching movies, on her phone or reading a book. Turning over onto her stomach, now currently laid upon her mattress she let out a sigh peering to the time. 2:30 PM the clock read, darrick would be finishing school soon and be arriving like he usually would to climb into her bed. She rested her hands upon her cheeks feeling the blush on them, even still he made her heart flutter and her stomach flip just by thinking about him

"Stop that~" she murmured to herself, squeezing her eyes she buried her face into the pillows of her bed, hiding her head entirely beneath the cushions. She couldn't believe still, that Darrick was her boyfriend. Had almost forgotten that he'd asked her on to bf his girlfriend on that night.

When he'd arrive, she always knew it was him as he would close the door to the office and lean his bag against it incase anyone were to try and enter while he was changing quickly out of his giant clothes before he shrank. Having a dedicated box to place his clothes in, he kept it hidden behind the door along with his human clothes. The process of changing and shrinking was rather quick, Tess sometimes stealing a glance out of her window to catch him unbuttoning his shirt or undoing his fly. She couldn't never look any longer than a second, her face becoming hotter then a raise of the sun and she's scamper into the confines of her blankets and waited, listening to his heavy footfalls up the stairs then for her door to open.

Turning on her phone then, she began to look at instagram to pass time. She found herself on Jamie's Instagram, looking though his posts that smiled back at her. She saw he had a story posted and quickly clicked on the icon to see, gasping quietly to herself as the picture that appeared on her screen was a selfie of himself and a large Ava smiling at the camera. She'd spoken to Jamie only the other day on the phone, supposedly Jamie and Ava had been getting along like a house on fire, Jamie already having stayed at her house most afternoons and Jamie was planning on staying overnight over the weekend and refused to spill whether he was planing anything would happen or not yet between the two.

*C L U N K*

Tess startled where she lay in her bed as her human sized home around her shook as the desk that her house sat upon was bumped into, looking up as she heard a loud grunt then more loud thuds from what she could only presume was being caused by a giant. Procrastinating on whether she should look, not knowing if it were Darrick changing and had tripped into the desk or even Jace stumbling in on clumsy feet. She hesitated, before finally slidding out of her sheets out of curiosity to peer quickly out the window. As her hand came to graze the curtains, her world suddenly jolted around her and she fell back onto the floorboards as her house shook as if there were an earthquake rattling the walls. Stumbling around she tried regaining her feet as her world shook as if her home was being lifted, grasping onto anything to keep her stable.

"What the hell!" She shouted as she heard a click and looked up in time to see her roof being taken off and replaced by green eyes appearing over her and a head of tousled dark brown hair. She gasped as Austin looked down at her small trembling frame, his brows furrowed and mouth drawn into a thin line. Cowering beneath his gaze, she moved to scramble to her bed to hide but yelped as a hand appeared inside her room before her and stopping her in her tracks. She instinctively raised her hands to cover her head, dropping to her knees in attempt to curl into a protective ball away from the giants unravelling fingers

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