Eight: Sleepy

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Eight: Sleepy 💤

(Btw the song above is what Jace and the boys are listening too. One of my favourite bands! Don't judge)

The drive home was much quieter compared to the drive to the shopping centre earlier had been. There hasn't been much talk from either Jace or Austin, nor me since I didn't want to break the incredible silence and peace that we'd created. Only the near soundless gears turning and working with Austin's choices in the engine could be heard, I could feel the power of the 100 thousand pounds worth of hand crafted giant power. Whenever Austin stopped, I jerked. Whenever he sped up, I fell into Jace. Briefly I could hear the wind roar against the windscreen, creating a soothing mellow hum.

While i listened, Darrick sat in the back again, not a word slipping past his sealed lips. Austin had to search for him high and low throughout the mall after he'd mysteriously run off. Still, no one knew why he had left us in the first place and we were all wondering what could the reason be for why he was against saying where he'd gone. 

I couldn't help myself, curiosity building like a cat fixated on its prey. i tilted slightly and peered back to the Jet black haired Darrick with large eyes, seeing his huge bear like paws clutching a small can which he held by his chin, sipping on a red straw to bring sweet soda to his mouth. He had a blank gaze, eyes slightly glazed over as if he had he had been crying, only half-aware of a world outside the claustrophobic comfort of the car. His dreary eyes looked out the closed window with his chin in an open palm and a frown plastered on his large lips, only slightly tugging down in an attempt to hide it, un aware that he had someone watching . His large frame takes up the entire back of the car, legs spread open wide like earlier, knees resting on the seats either side of him. His large hips take up at least two seats which groan whenever he shifts. He didn't look to me or the other boys, eyes gazing out like two pools of hazel as if he were waiting for something exciting to happen.

I looked away slowly from the sad looking boy and instead looked up to where I was seated in Jace's lap, to see him also gazing out to the outside world that drove by, which I'm yet to see since I'm so far below the windows view range.

I watched, disgusted as Jace shoved a handful of fries into his mouth, chewing, no, more like inhaling his food. Making a contented noise at the back of his throat, he smiles, the rumble moving through his body and down through his belly. He washed it down with a large gulp of soda and took a large chunk of his ketchup soaked burger, chomping his food down like a machine. I looked at the mountain of fries on his lap and couldn't seem to understand why he enjoyed it so much. Grease oozed from the pile, soaking the napkin underneath, yet it still had an unnatural sheen to it.

He swallowed each bite with a smile, and I looked up to him and watched his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as his food was forced into his gullet, I couldn't help but shudder, trying to reject an Image I didn't want. Gross.

I groan softly and wipe my hands on the supplied human sized napkins, wiping the grease from each finger carefully one by one. After having my share of one of Jace's fries, I was stuffed and couldn't eat other bite of the salty food. I'd always hated the feeling of greasy fingers or lips after eating anything fried. It turned me off, even though it tasted so good.

I let out a sigh and then look up to Jace again, hearing he had began to sing lightly now with the light music that drifted through the speakers in the background. It was rock and roll type music that belonged to Austin, who was only listening, letting the breeze whirl through his dark chocolate locks that entered in from his slightly cracked open window. He breathed in deeply, as if the breeze was sweet, filling his lungs deeply then letting out his breath. I smiled a little to him, then turned my attention back to the music since there was nothing else to succumb my boredom. The music was nothing I'd ever heard before and the singer had a strange accent similar to Jace's, but thicker and more annoying to my ears.

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