Nine: First days

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Nine: First Days

Morning came around and the sun broke through the blinds like fresh honey, filling the room with a  golden hue against my eyelids. The sleep had been deep and peaceful that night, no dreams came to me and I was waking curled up in my bed the next day, a little confused how I got here but didn't ponder on it for too long. Looking around i saw the curtains had an orange glow to the morning light, in this world, every morning was a perfect sunrise. Everything in this world was too perfect, too perfect for humans who were so use to impurities and hate.

I'd  been waiting for this very morning for so long that I barely believe my eyes when the sharp shadows begin to fade into a new day, diluted by the onset of daylight. A melody of birds cuts through the silence outside, a small low groan coming from large bed springs beyond her small house, Austin's large body turning over to hide in his covers from the light. I know it's too early to be up, but I've waited for this terrifying day for too long, the nerves began building inside me already like a clogged pipe that felt ready to explode.

Pushing back the covers slowly I turned in bed til my legs dangled over the sides of the mattress, hand raising to rub at my heavy eyes. The morning colours began to merge into neon pink and peach as I sleepily forced myself to my feet and made my way across my room, sleep trying to coax me back to bed but I wouldn't allow it. I had to get ready for the day ahead.

Going to wash my face with cool water, I rubbed at my eyes and cheeks until I felt refreshed. Holding my hands over my eyes I let our slow breaths to try and calm my nerves, it wasn't working and instead my chest just tightened and my stomach knots. Raising my eyes to the mirror to look at myself I gazed at my reflection, but didnt see what my mother saw. I didn't see what my friends saw. Instead of slim i saw chubby and instead of a cute blond, i saw plain, dull, boring. My blue eyes would roam critically from one feature to another and catalog it in my brain. Closing my eyes I had to quickly turn away and began drying my cheeks with a towel

Taking a breath I made my way back into my bedroom, avoiding the mirror along the way to my suitcase to get changed. I chose a white denim skirt and belt which I wrapped around my waist, along with a black strapless shirt and denim jacket which I rolled up the sleeves. A simple outfit, I wouldn't look as if I were trying too hard or not trying enough. Just how i liked it. Grabbing out my high top converse, I silently pulled them on and began to tie them, staring to the laces as my fingers twisted around each other into knots while trying to not let nerves bubble over. A new school, new faces and not to mention, It was mainly a giant school.

Glancing into the mirror one last time as I brushed my hair and teeth I saw my strawberry blonde hair was neatly parted and just skimmed the bottom of my shoulder blades. Blue eyes stared back at me, grazing over my nose which had a smattering of freckles. I sighed and turned away to pack my bag, shoving in books and pens.

Awhile later Austin was up and wandering his room, I could hear his feet dragging across the floorboards and suddenly yawning loudly like a tired lion. Since he was up I slowly made my way downstairs, slow and hesitant to leave my house.. I made my way to my cute front door and paused for a second, listening to the large boy outside moving around his room. Smiling a little to myself I thought about last night, how Austin had been kind, how he introduced me to his friends. He wasn't as bad as I had originally thought.

I take a breath to try and boost my confidence and pushed open the door to leave our , since he was up I thought I might as well sit out on the porch to wait for Austin.

Big mistake. I stood there frozen.. Eyes landing on the giant in sudden awe and shock at the large, naked body before me. A tight butt and rippling muscles tighten and stretch as he pulled out articles of clothing, so much skin. Blushing was an understatement, what I did was go as red as a beetroot and radiate heat like a hot pan. You could have cooked a three course meal on my cheeks. I couldn't turn away from embarrassment and shock, I knew I should rush back inside but couldn't for atleast ten seconds, scared he'd see i stood there in fear. "Oh god" I murmured, biggest mistake I could have made.

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