Thirteen: Boys Only

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Thirteen: Boys Only

"Do you ever wonder what life would be like if humans never came here?.. " Jace murmured, his nose in his phone scrolling through his social page, liking funny videos of his friends being idiots running at each other into bone rocking tackles, trying to knock each other to the ground. It was a weird game they played, which Jace had always been too afraid of to have a go at. Looking up briefly he glanced to Cole, who was sat lazily in a beanbag with his blonde hair parted out of his eyes into a loose bun "like, didn't they invent phones and stuff?"

School had finished about an hour ago now and Jace, Cole, Darrick and Lenny together had headed back to Coles white double story picket fenced house. it had become their "secret" meeting place from when they were kids. While Austin had to take Tess home, which he'd played off as an annoying task. But Jace knew it was all just a mask, so that the captain of the Backnott team didn't look like a human hugger.

In Coles small yard, he had a large tree that was so old that it looked as if it's leaves about to snap off if a strong breeze came by. Yet somehow it managed an old cubby house to be built into its branches. It may look old but it was strong, it's thick trunk and branches full of knowledge. The cubby was was made from planks of wood and even had a worn out swing that hadn't been played on for years. The cubby was where they'd all use to play board games and read comics there as kids, where they told scary stories and hid from their parents when they were in trouble. It use to have posters of superhero's, toys and action figures littered on the ground. It was a safe haven for kids.

Now you wouldn't even recognise the place as a kids hideaway. Juice boxes became bottles of liquor. Comics were shoved now into the back of a blue cabinet and replaced with provocative magazines of women showing off their bodies on the covers,  along with a few sports magazine scattered throughout the pile for Darrick, Austin and Lenny with their favourite Backnott players on the covers. No more toys,
No more scary stories. Just a place where boys could be boys and hide their substances in.

Three large bean bags were placed about the small room in a semi circle where the boys currently resided on their phones while Lenny who was instead grinning at one of the erotic magazines of a blonde girl and a popsicle.

"Sometimes I do. We wouldn't have tv or cars.. or fries~" Cole spoke after a bit of thought about Jaces question. with a chuckle under his breath from his place on his beanbag, he looked up from his phone to briefly look toward Jace with a gentle smile. Jace was smiling back without even realising, watching Cole even when his friend looked away back to his phone.

He couldn't help but find himself smiling larger without even realising it, Cole had always made him laugh and just feel comfortable. He was so calm and had this aura that brought crowds. Unlike Lenny who always found something to pick at and Darrick was always so serious nowadays. Austin was just a bully and he didn't know how to talk to any of the girls, they were frighteningly intimidating at times. Tess being an exception, since she was so small and cute. Their group had changed so much over the years, he could still remember when they all would have sleepovers and giggle at the mention of girls. When they'd play board games instead of drinking games. Cole had never really changed in Jaces eyes, he still was so kind to him, had that smile that he loved and a passion for skateboarding.

He didn't realise he was still smiling til he heard a soft snicker,  which he recognised as Lenny's

Jace pulled his gaze away from his friend when he felt Lenny's sharp eyes on him, staring as if he were trying to work his way into his mind. His face heating and brows furrowing he quickly tried to focus on his phone and instead of Lenny or Cole, knowing the words were bubbling hot on the edge of Lenny's tongue wanting to say something about him being either gay or having a crush on his friend . Which wasn't true, he couldn't have feelings for Cole they were best friends! It wasn't true..

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