Twenty Eight: Frustration

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~Above is Jamie ~

Twenty Eight: Frustration

Seated in Darricks hands, with his fingers clasping around her body, a large thumb pressed gently between her shoulders blades and lightly rubbed at her small body between his fingers. She found herself feeling slightly annoyed all the while avoiding eye contact with Darrick for the first half of the drive where they sat together with Ava and Jamie in the backseats of Austin's car. Jamie was sat with Ava within her lap, his face whiter than usual, looking to be the most terrified he'd ever been in his life while being conflicted as he was seated in a giant beautiful girls lap. A boys dream.. Ava was delighted holding Jamie, looking down to him whenever there was a bump in the road or turning a corner too quickly she'd hold him against her abdomen. Making sure he was okay every second of the way. It had taken much persuasion to get Jamie to come along, Henryk, Cherry and Jules not helping in her attempt in bringing her friend along which she hadn't seen in so long.

"You better be kidding me"

"Don't do it"

"Are you dumb?"

Tess had to bribe Jamie by the end of the day to come along, agreeing to come as long as she bought him a six pack of beers. She could tell Jamie was still scared of the idea of giants but also fascinated by them at the same time, especially by Ava. Ava was so sweet, carrying him with the utmost care. Ava was taking incredible care of him and Tess knew her old friend was in safe hands. She hoped. At least he wasn't with Austin, he'd probably traumatise the poor boy.

Austin was noticeably very curious of the new human, turning in his chair every few seconds to glance down at Jamie. Brows furrowed and lips tugged into a smile as he drove to the diner, "so.. how long is this new kid gonna be sticking around?"

"Don't be rude Austin" Ava spoke first, looking up toward Austin and gently pushing his shoulder with one finger, making him smirk where he sat grasping the wheel. Tilting his head to the side, he gave a low sigh followed by a chuckle, similar to an evil genius who just got an idea.

"Hey its not rude, it was just a simple question.. He looks fun. Cole probably won't be too happy about the new comer though, aren't you two a thing now?" he smirks as he glanced back to Tess with amusement in his eyes then to Ava, his tongue poking out the side of his mouth as he eyed the girl for a brief second then turned to the road once more.

"W-what?" Tess turned her gaze when hearing Jamie squeak, seeing him curled in on himself with his knees against his chest and hugging his school bag as he looked to Tess also, letting his eyes lift up toward Ava as if seeking for assistance. His breathing was rapid and shallow. She could see his his pulse pounding in his temples as his jaw clenched. It's a relief he is seated, because between the heels and his legs shaking, he'd probably would have fallen over. Ava was busy glaring toward Austin to notice, who sat mischievously in the drivers seat, a devilish look having come into his eyes which she could see in his rear view mirror, quickly turning to shock  as Darrick reaches forward to pinch at the nape of Austin's neck, making Austin yelp in pain

"Ouch! What was that for.." he grumbles, rubbing at the back of his neck while sinking further down into his seat and keeping his eyes on the road away from the group of big and smalls seated in the backseat.

"Don't worry little Jamie, Cole is no one and nothing to me. Don't let Austin scare you" Ava smiled to Jamie who didn't seem any more comforted by her words. Tess roller her eyes and instead focused on Darricks thumb that continued to stroke at her back in circles, massaging her lower back and shoulders which made her feel like a melting at his touch,  humming happily she shifted in his lap to cuddle into him.

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