Thirty-One: Your Mine

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Thirty-one: Your Mine

Tess knew her mother would kill her if she were to ever find out she was drinking. Knowing that she was underage drinking, which was very much illegal but didn't care in the moment as she placed bottle after bottle into the refrigerator to keep cool. Jules, Cherry and Henryk had arrived, late of course but better late then never. Tess had retrieved her friends with the help of Darrick when they had arrived to the front door of the giants home and carried them upstairs along with Jamie, who Darrick had to grab from Ava who had been smothering him all afternoon. Jamie appeared to be enjoying himself though when he was collected, Ava having been curled up with her chin resting on the couch arm before Jamie, whispering sweet nothings as he leant close with dough eyes looking close to kissing each other before being rudely interrupted by Darrick.

Thankfully Darrick was kind to the humans when carrying them and tried to be as slow and careful with her friends, treating the humans as if they were expensive pieces of art. Darrick had a smile on, which seemed forced and unnatural, making Tess laugh softly to herself at his efforts and her heart warmed knowing he cared and was at least trying to comfort the humans. It didn't work, Cherry and Henryk huddled together, Cherrys face turning as red as a Cherry itself as she clutched onto Henryks hands until her knuckles turned white. Henryk kept his head down, hiding behind his hair while hugging Cherry as if he were her protector. Jamie appeared to be very intimidated by Darrick, as Darrick had purposely held the small boy in his other hand away from Tess. Tess tugged at her baby blue dress that she wore for the party, skin tight and hugged her body like a sausage, pulling it down over thighs trying to hide herself feeling awkward amongst the group. Jules had never been so quiet, in the entire time of knowing Jules, Darrick of all people had managed to completely shut her up. No snarky comments or playful remarks, instead the red headed girl clutched at her backpack of clothes for the night for dear life. 

Once inside her house, the door shut and locked it was as if the group could finally breathe.

"Holy shit.. I do not want to do that ever again" Henryk was the first to speak, running his fingers through his neat brown hair and letting out a low breath through his nose. Cherrys face was still very much red and she moved away from Henryk finally to fan at her burning cheeks, head tilt back as if holding back tears. Overwhelmed it seemed and trying to calm herself down.

"Darrick wouldn't hurt a fly, guys. Trust me you shouldn't be scared" Tess smiled as she watched the group, who looked flustered and shocked that they had been carried by a giant. Clearly it had been their first time and Tess could understand how intense it was being held, to be so small and carried so effortlessly. Laughing she moved over to grab Jamie, pulling him over to the kitchen where she opened the refrigerator

"Make yourself at home guys! Welcome! Bedrooms and bathroom is upstairs and all the booze goes in the fridge. Take whatever you like!" Tess smiled as she pushed a beer into Jamie's hand and grabbed herself one too, even if she didn't like beer it's all that they had at the human shops and all she could manage to get under the circumstances of being underage.

"I need a drink after that, fuck" Jules didn't waste time unzipping her bag and grabbing out a bottle of vodka, slamming in onto the counter before retrieving a beer for herself, cracking it open and gulping it down in a matter of seconds.


The music was so loud that it made her skin tingle and as she sung her lungs felt like mush. The bass thumped in time with her heart beat as though they were one, filling her from head to toe with music as she jumped around with Cherry, holding hands as they sing their little hearts out. She liked this song.
Over the roar of music that the girls had playing, a distant laughter and chatter could be heard. Tess couldn't make out any words but she could see the boys talking, Jamie and Henryk smiling and laughter rang in her ears. It made her smile seeing Jamie, happy and definitely drunk as he leant sloppily into the counter and laughed til his cheeks turned red . The song that was playing got louder, Cherry pulling Tess in and wouldn't let go as they pranced around the room.

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