Sixty-Four: Little Choice

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Sixty-four: Little Choice

(A little nsfw and intense scenes)

[ J A M I E]

Jamie stretched his limbs as far as he could, reaching into the air above him so he lay star-fished on his back. He winced a little at his shoulder. He could feel the warmth of where Ava had been laying her head on the pillow, feeling it soak in through the muscles of his back. It didn't help much to soothe a bruise on his shoulder though, an accident on Ava's part when at school. She was a careless giantess, at times. He did admit he was wary where he stood, watched her every move and his own. She was very caring but clumsy, she wasn't as aware of her own or his size sometimes.

She'd not meant to knock him off her knee, when sat cross legged in the grass at lunch she'd been talking to Katy, helping the other giantess practice the girls lines for her upcoming performance in Coles play. Jamie was happy listening, without their attention on him he selfishly stole glances up the girls skirts. He hated himself for doing it, felt like a pervert but being a man at this size he couldn't help it when a women's crotch was usually eye level with him..

Ava would have certainly killed him if she had seen, maybe she had seen him, as he soon found out that grass was not so much of a soft landing at his size..

Ava was sat at the end of the bed, tying her shoes with one heel hoisted on the side of her bed frame as her fingers looped around til her shoes were tied. Ava showed about as much skin as if she were going to the beach, not dressed well enough to have dinner at the diner. He didn't complain, wandering eyes drinking in the site of his large girlfriend dolling herself up for their date.

Lifting his head, Jamie grazed his fingers over his olive stomach as he watched his large girlfriend getting ready. They were meant to be going out on a date night, since Ava had felt bad for knocking him off her knee. His girlfriend wearing a tight fitting red flowery dress. It hugged her hips and bosom and flowed to the top of her thighs, currently hitched up as she tied her shoe to reveal the strap of her lace underwear and large tan thigh. He was meant to be getting ready, but knew Ava still had to finish her hair, always taking forever compared to himself who simply needed to button up a shirt.

"You ready yet?" Jamie teased, smiling lightly as Ava turned her head to look over her shoulder at the small human spread across her pillow. Rolling her eyes, she let her leg fall back to the ground, finished tying her shoes she stands and moves closer to the top of the bed where he lays.

"If you ask me if I'm ready one more time.. I swear to god I'll~" Ava huffed and stood up, shoes now tied she tilted her head at him.

"What?" He interrupts, "what would you do to me?" Sitting up with a smirk, his eyes travel up her looming body, trying to not make it obvious he could see clearly underneath the lip of her dress as she stands. Biting the inside of his cheek, he rolls his body to one side so that he tumbled down the side of her pillow onto the mattress

Arching a brow down on him, Ava watches her small boyfriend as he moved from her pillow to the mattress. He could see her mind ticking, and he felt his cheeks burden him with a blush. She was intimidating even still to say the least.

"Oh wouldn't you like to know" she smiles, a lovely smile but he finds himself wrapped up in her manicured hand as he's lifted and set back on the pillow. A finger pressed on his chest, her long fingernail trailing down to his stomach and pressing into the soft of his tummy, making him squirm as he's pinned.

"Ava~" Jamie spoke hesitantly, seeing as she had brought her entire body onto the mattress to sit on her knees, straddling over his small body on the pillow. Jamie's tan cheeks burned red, giving view to her black lace underwear that hugged her soft crotch. Swallowing tightly, he turns his eyes up back to look at her eyes. Jamie was all confidence when he was being secretive, when no one knew what his prying eyes could see. But when confidently displayed, he melted into a nervous puddle.

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