Twenty Two: The Trip Begins

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~Above is Ava And Tess~


The car ride was long and boring, only the music in the background keeping her mildly entertained and Jace. She couldn't help but feel that there was a heavy feeling which hung in the air around them, especially between Austin and Katy who didn't utter a single word to each other the entire time. It was rather awkward at times, seeming to sit in a never ending silence. Even Jace was rather quiet, not speaking to Austin at first when they had first gotten into the car, but soon cracked and was talking again, too excited for their little holiday that was to come.

There were two cars, four in one and two in the other. Tess so happened to be sat in the larger group in Austin's car. In the car sat Austin, as the driver and Jace, also sat in front while Katy and her friend that Tess had never met before who Katt had been allowed to bring along. Her name was Ava and she too sad in the back. Cole and Darrick were in the other car in Coles parents van, which was jam packed with their equipment and about three cases of alcoholic beverages which she had counted when they were packing along with two coolers and a bunch of chairs.

Ava was an extremely kind girl, she could understand why she and Katy were friends. She had short brown hair that grazed her cheeks and hung just above her shoulders. She was considerably shorter than everyone, smaller than Cole who was the smallest of the boys and also Katy. She was very cute, she reminded Tess of a sweet little teddy bear that she just wanted to hug.  She had a lovely voice whenever she spoke, so sweet that it made everyone want to listen and couldn't help but aw. Her nose was like a daisy bud with a light sprinkle of freckles across it and rosy cheeks. Her eyes were a dark brown, like caramel with chocolate mixed into them. Her face was lightly made up, not too much makeup thought to look over the top, instead going for a natural look, considering that they were headed to camping, it suited her. She had soft cherry lips and crystal white teeth that created a cute smile: she truly was adorable.

Tess couldn't help but notice though, that there was something in the way Ava held herself, as if unsure of where her limbs should be when seated in the back of the car. She looked awkward and very uncomfortable. As if the boys presence were making her uneasy. She always seemed to rely on Katy to answer, looking to her friend when either of the boys spoke or asked a question. She saw this especially when they had to stop at a pit stop, Austin having turned around in his seat to ask if anyone needed to go to the toilet. Ava immediately looking to Katy to answer for the both of them.

They were still an hour away from the site when Jace began to fiddle with Tess, gently touching her hair and rubbing at her head. She didn't mind the head patting, letting it play out for a while since it felt kinda nice being lightly massaged, before having to move herself away to look up at him with a curious smile, her hair having been patted so much it began to frizz "your gonna knot my hair"

"Sorry.. I'm just bored" he murmurs, his lips pursed and eyes turned to look out the window, as if trying to find something else to focus his attention on. She couldn't see out the window, hadn't the entire ride since Jace had left her upon his lap where she was allowed to lay back against the bunching of his black shirt around his stomach. Which was comfortable and she could've sworn she nearly fell asleep a few times, listening to the sound of the car moving around her. The wind against the windows, Jaces steady breathing and the silence not helping.

"Why don't we play a game?" Katy says from in the back, leaning forward til her shaved head appeared beside Jace, a small smile playing at her lips as she looked at them "we could do, would you rather?"

"Okay!" Jace smiles and Tess nodded also, dying to have some entertainment like everyone else in the car. Jace looked to Austin, his mouth twisting to the side and eyes watching cautiously, Austin, who was concentrating on the road didn't move, Jace having to lightly poked at his arm "are you gonna play?"

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