Thirty-Two: Caged

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Thirty-Two: Caged

Mentions: NSFW/teasing/mouth play

"Is it dead?"

"It better not be or I'm killing Finnick. Argh he had one job, steal the human and bring her to me.. useless he is sometimes"

"Aw.. poor thing. What are you gonna do with it baby?"

"Whatever I want.. probably just play with it for a bit. Or sell it~"

The first thing Tess noticed was the ache in her head and pain in her lungs, her chest heaving as she tried to suck in deep breaths of delicious air to fill her lungs. Her eyes felt heavy as they tried fluttering open, wincing at the piercing hot light that blinded her eyes and enveloped her world. Groaning lowly, she felt the cool of a smooth surface beneath her, pricking at her bare skin and making her sit up quickly to escape the icy surface to hug at her cold arms. Tess forgot in that moment that she was still simply in a bra and underwear from when being with Darrick, never getting the chance to slip back into her dress which she pressingly wished she had in that moment. A painful shiver ran across her body as a cool draft blew across her skin, sending goosebumps to erupt up either one of her arms.

Where was she?

"Look it's awake, baby~"  she heard a girls voice, soft and curious.

"Finally. Josie move out of my way" a male voice.. her brain felt sluggish as she tried to look about her surroundings to find the source of the voices, heart pounding and eyes wide trying to focus on something in her bright world. Tess didn't have time to readjust, didn't get the chance to catch her breath as the familiar feeling of large fingers wrapping around her body surrounded her, carelessly lifting her from where she sat in a tight fist. Too tight, making her cry out as her bones felt close to breaking in the strangers hand. Struggling she gave a loud whimper, wincing away from the face that came into view, piercing blue eyes looking over her body like she were a mouse caught in the paws of a cat.

"Where am I! Where's Darrick" Tess cried out as hot tears roll down her cheeks while she struggled madly in the grasp, wheezing as her breath was practically squeezed from her lungs.

"Darrick! You gotta be kidding me." He scoffed in her face, his breath smelling of lemon and a hint of alcohol. Tess flinched at the rancid smell and whimpered, kicking at her legs that were held so tightly she thought they'd snap or circulation cut off  "I knew he loved humans but I never thought he was fucking one" the blue eyes and white haired boy laughed, finally pulling her away enough so she could see the position she was in.

Her world felt as if it fell away from beneath her and her stomach dropped with fear, he smiled maliciously toward her, icy blue eyes piercing into her soul with a hunger that made her cheeks turn white. She recognised the voice, could remember his laugh still ringing in the back of her mind: Lenny. Lenny the boy she'd been told hated humans. The boy that she was told to stay away from, the boy who had appeared to have kidnapped her and taken her away from her home, from Darrick. From Austin and her mother!

Lenny was seated with a girl who had big eyes with dark hair that curled down her shoulder, leant against the giant boy in simply a purple lingerie set. Her large lips pursed as she leant in looking at Tess, frowning seeing her desperate struggles. Her mascara was smudged about her eyes and lipstick smudged against her cheek, hair a mess on her head as if a bird had attacked her. Had they been.. having sex? Looking to Lenny she could see he was wearing simply boxers, legs crossed atop of a mattress.

Tess burst into tears, chest heaving as she desperately squirmed "let me go! Please!"  From her body came the most hysterical crying, the screaming sobs only interrupted by her need to draw a breath. It was a  sound she'd never knew she could make. The giants turned their heads, the girl caught between an impulse to help and another to stay out of it while Lenny simple smirked and brought his thumb over the tiny humans mouth to hold shut. Even when muffled she continued to try and scream, but couldn't fight against the immense power of the giant.

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