Fifty-nine: Cold Shoulder

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Fifty-nine: Cold Shoulder

[ T E S S ]

There was a soft moment between Tess and Darrick as they walked together after the drama of earlier, Darrick having Tess affectionately cradled into the crook of his neck to keep her warm beneath the hood of his jacket. While she was cozied up and warm against Darrick's neck, he had simply Austin's hoodie on and what was left of his clothes, parts of the fabric  that had been ruined, used to tie around his waist to keep him warm considering he had grown out of his clothes earlier. He didn't even have on shoes as he walked through the forest, not making a single complaint as he stepped through the foliage of leaves and branches. His legs were likely scratched and bruised, the soles of his feet stepping on rocks and twigs till his heels bled. He didn't make not even one complaint, pushing along with a lack of clothes he steadied behind Austin through the forest. All the while, he was still looking after Tess, having a hand by his neck to keep her safely on his shoulder beneath his hood.

Austin walked ahead, muttering curses since he was upset they had to leave his car behind as it had been crushed. He held Josie's hand, walking side by side simply so she couldn't run away. Tess could see Josie moving closer and closer to Austin as the night air cooled, almost cuddling him compared to earlier when she had tried running away again. She had become their hostage, following the giant girl as she led the boys to her car, which she'd parked somewhat far so they wouldn't spot her spying. She hadn't done a very good job of hiding in the tree line,  as Austin had spotted her.

"Are you okay?" Darrick whispered into her body, turning his chin so his lips were by her head where she was still huddling up against his neck. His breath was warm around her, the fabric cocooned throughout her entire body of the hoodie. Taking a small shaky breath, she felt somewhat embarrassed even still with how she acted earlier towards Darrick. She wasn't sure how she would make it up to him, how she was able to make him feel better about the situation. She overreacted, he was giant, larger than a tree and she was terrified of him. Darrick had never laid a hand on her, was it simply a natural instinct to be scared of something so big. She could feel between them there was a heaviness, an unwieldy feeling she couldn't shake and knew he probably felt the same. Her mind was buzzing, fingertips cold but also face hot with a perpetual scarlet blush of shame.

"Yeah~ I am now.." she spoke back softly, moving closer to lean into his neck wanting to close her eyes to fall asleep but was scared to slip down off his shoulder and down into the depths of the hoodie where his bare chest moved with every large step, could see his very large pecs if she looked down. Sounding terrifying to even think of falling "I-" she began her sentence but couldn't find the right words, her mind running at a million miles an hour for her mouth to dribble gibberish. As he paid further attention, he felt his head wanting to turn towards her but didn't want to risk knocking her off "are you cold?" She finally asks

"Y'know... if what your trying to do is to say sorry, don't worry" He sighed lightly, adjusting the cloth around his waist. He sounded a little annoyed but was controlling himself seeming a little agitated. It didn't appear to be directed at her, if not at her then what, "yes, I'm cold, sorry I just feel like shit"

"well, we're not all born with the ability to grow, right? I- " Tess hesitated, feeling the heat from Darrick's body growing hotter beneath her hands "I just overreacted I'm sorry if I freaked you out"

"Did I not just say to don't worry about it~" he huffs lightly  "it's okay I understand why you'd be scared. I shouldn't of done it" he spoke softly back, letting out a gentle yawn she could feel him shudder beneath her from the cold.  Darrick sped up towards Austin as they near Josie's car.

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