Seventeen: An Idea

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Seventeen: An Idea

The rest of the night Tess was thrown a cheeky comments here and there by Austin, he going quiet as if in thought before filling her head with words that focused on the topic of Darrick as he remembered something as If it were important. He was crazy about the idea, acting as if he'd die if it didn't happen. No matter what she could say or do, he didn't let up. She could've fallen asleep and woken to him still talking.

"He's smart, he's sporty, he's creative oh and he owns a motor bike too. That's cool huh! What a baddie" he snickered down at her "he's actually funny you just gotta wait til he's not being so quiet"

He giggled and spoke more and more about how amazing darrick was like girls would at a sleep over, his chin propped up by his hands and legs kicking back and forth behind him where he lay on his stomach before Tess. He'd bite the edge of a smile when ever an idea sprung forth, a funny idea in his head, a memory of Darrick, a vain attempt to keep his creeping grin at bay. The intention behind his perking lips wasn't something that could easily be identified as mischief or genuine happiness when speaking of his friend so fondly. He seemed to be close with Darrick.

While he seemed completely obliged to continue, Tess on the other had felt practically trapped, she couldn't climb down the bed if she tried, being tiny and all and he wouldn't of let her even if she tried. She would've gladly jumped if she could have a moments peace. Laid upon the giants boy pillow, that smelled of shampoo and cologne, she had her hands smothered into her face from a mix of embarrassment and boredom.

"I get it Aust~"

"OH! And he's tall! I mean.. everyone is taller than you, Shorty. But you know what I mean" he scoffed glanced over at the little human bellow, the corners of his lips fighting a smile, his eyebrows slightly raised.

She had to look away before that mischievous look of his spread. She could've sworn that he was a magnet to mischief, the workings of his brain always moving looking for what to say next to add to his brilliant plan. She couldn't help but to peer over wearily at the giant boy who she could feel leaning over her, on purpose maybe, but he was looming his large head like a billboard looking for her eyes to catch with his own large green ones. He was so large and close she could feel his breath brush past slightly parted lips, a soft pink while his white teeth peeked out from within his large mouth. His dark chocolate curls hung from his forehead and if she tried she could've reached up and patted the soft locks. Distracted for a second, she looked to meet his gaze and In a few seconds she saw that pirate grin of his  and she knew he means to go ahead with his plan and there was no stopping him at this point

"Shut up.." she rolled her eyes, crossing her arms yet had to hold back her own smile that wanted to reflect on the larger head that hovered over her.


Tess was beyond annoyed by the time dinner came along, seated at her small table with her mother atop of a giant table that was minuscule compared Brian and Austin. She stabbed at her food, not a word uttered from her mouth to either giant or her mother at first. Avoiding eye contact completely with the beaming brunette above. She could feel his eyes on her, could feel his eagerness radiating from his soul like daggers on her shoulder. Why he was so focused on setting her and Darrick up was beyond her, she still hadn't spoken a word to the huge boy and he didn't seem to want to anyways.

"So how was your first day of school, Tess?" Brian spoke after he swallowed his food of chicken and a selection of vegetables she knew and didn't. She thought of the fruit Cole shared with her that day and she smiled to herself finally, looking to Brian and nodding slowly

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