Twenty Seven: Old Friends

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Twenty Seven: Old Friends

It had been two days since they'd arrived home. It was a scene she'd come all to use to by now, empty halls, closed doors with not a soul in sight. As she wandered in through the human doors, having been dropped off by Darrick who now met at Austin's car every morning since they'd arrived home to pick her up. She felt a smile come across her lips as she strolled down the hall thinking of Darrick, finding herself turning warm from head to toe. The day was warm and the sky was clear, finding today particularly perfect. She wore a pink skirt and white shirt that hugged at her chest, along with a pair of white sneakers with her strawberry blonde hair flowing down the length of her back. She wore her glasses which sat upon her nose, not wanting to deal with her itchy contacts.

She was thinking of the camping trip, still able to feel him, smell him. In her mind she could feel him all over, it made her insides knot and her legs ache. Sighing to herself she couldn't wait to see him again, lunch seeming so far away. She was snapped out of her day dream when she was greeted with a large, excited smile running toward her that she'd come to know as cherry's "Tess! There's a boy!  Come on! He's here. Hurry. Cute!" Grabbing at Tess's arms she began to try and tug her down the hall

"What ? Explain" Tess looked to the bubbling girl who practically was dragging Tess down the hallway by her hands, jumping on the spot and making her hair bounce with her.

"There's a new kid!" Tess eyes widened and she found herself speeding up along side cherry, a new boy? So soon? "and he's really cute. He just arrived today randomly. I spotted him in the office getting his time table, hurry so we can introduce him!"

She didn't argue, hurrying alongside Cherry with a large smile and laughter in a rush to see this new kid. They stumbled around a corner together as they came toward the office where she had collected her own timetable not so long ago. The office was eerily quiet, soft voices being interrupted with the laughter and excited chatter of the two girls. Tess eyes came to rest upon a the backside of a body, curly black locks framed the head of a tanned boy with broad shoulders which was hugged by a black shirt. Only able to see the muscles of his back and twisting cords in his legs

"There he is.." cherry whispered where she stood hidden in the doorway, gripping onto the other girls arm as if trying to hide behind her small frame. Having to bend down with their height difference "I've never seen an Asian boy before.."

"Seriously? You really don't get out much huh" Tess laughed under her breath as cherry shook her head, peering further around the corner of the doorway herself to spy on the boy. Brows furrowing she couldn't help but feel the inner workings of her brain begin to click, grinding the more she stared. He was stood with the paper timetable grasped in his two hands in a way so familiar to her, the old office lady was no where to be seen. Her plant looking more dead than the last time she'd been there. The girls kept hidden, spying on this strange new boy. She began to think of her old school. The thoughts popping randomly into her mind the longer she looked..

"Jamie.." she whispered to herself, not realising she had spoken until the boy turned in their direction as if recognising the name, dark eyes wide and full of confusion "Jamie!?" She gasped again. This time
Being much louder, her hands coming up instinctively to cover her mouth in shock and she found herself pulling away out of Cherrys grasp. Who looked utterly confused at what was happening Tess couldn't believe her eyes, it was as if she had stepped back in time to when she use to attend a normal human school, when she didn't have to deal with giants and living with them. When there was no Austin, no Darrick or camping trip. When she was normal sized

It was Jamie, with his handsome Korean features and sweet smile. The boy she'd spent so many lunches with. The one who had figured out who she was when she'd lost the weight. The one who'd taken care of her when she'd gotten too drunk and been with her through Chris.

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