Sixty-Seven: Bunked Together

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(I'm gonna switch between first and third person I think for certain characters)

[ T E S S ]

The building was large, maybe the largest building I'd ever seen in my life. The ceilings so high they were dizzying, even the reception was huge in comparison to anything i had seen before. Everything was white and pristine, fancy chandeliers hanging with delicate pieces of glass.

Leaning back into the curve of Darrick's palm I looked to upto him to see his reaction, his face was stone cold and he didn't show any emotions.  Instead he stared forward at the lady that was signing us in, Michael leading the group by writing out name tags for everyone.

"Don't put those on yet, just keep hold of them for now until you change" Michael handed each paper name tag to each of the boys, Cole staring at his for a long moment before placing it into his pocket.

"Why did you write Jason on mine?" Jace says as he takes his name tag, frowning at his birth name written across the paper in his father's hand writing.

"Sorry son" Michael frowned, "You can change it next time. Tess would you mind writing your name, I don't believe I can write that small" Michael chuckles, a whole body laugh that made his rounded belly bounce.  Being half Darrick's size I had to look down at him when he spoke to me from in Darrick's hand, could see his receding hair line which he had combed over to one side.

"Sure.." I smiled tightly, looking back up at Darrick who still didn't look at me.

I knew he felt bad, knew he was feeling guilty about dragging me down into this. I admittedly didn't want to be here either, but after speaking with my mother she thought it would be a good thing.. it was t like I had much of a choice either way "it'll get you out of the house" was her words. I wasn't mad, anymore, I hadn't done anything wrong.

Darrick set me down then, stepping off his hand that was so warm, sent a shiver up my arms as I left his fingers to stand upon the cold desk. The lady behind the desk stayed seated, smiling so large her cheeks looked like they must hurt. She had brown hair tied into a bun and was very soft spoken, she even pushed back her chair as if to give me room as I neared the a smaller desk that was covered in neat piles of pamphlets and papers. Everything was so clean, so well organised. I felt strange being the only human but easily brushed the feeling aside.
I was use to that by now, always being the only human.

The desk had one paper of removable paper name tags, picking one of the provided pens I quickly wrote my name. I felt like everyone's eyes were on me, waiting for me.

"Well that will be all, thank you" Michael smiled at the receptionist when I had finished, the receptionist who nodded in response not uttering a word to the group. I thought that was weird but didn't say anything, looking up at darrick from the desk I caught his eyes finally, seeing his soft expression and sad eyes.

"Follow me!" Michael exclaims, leading the group through double doors. Darrick picks me up carefully, dawdling behind the others as they all wandered after Michael.

Austin hadn't said much at all, he didn't look at me much either. He looked tired, dark circles under his eyes and didn't dress up like he usually would. He had a long shirt on and sweat pants, his hair uncombed.

"So, to get you started. You'll be staying here for five days a week, we have dorm like rooms. Which is fun, like college" Michael smiles, Cole is the only one that smiles back "I've made some arrangements so that you four boys can bunk together. Jace and Austin, you'll be in one room. Darrick and Cole in the other" Michael walked through another few doors, down two hallways and then pressed a few numbers into a keypad and suddenly they were in a cafeteria like room.

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