Sixteen: Im Hungry

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[A/N] sorry if this is any inconvenience to you as a reader, but I have made the decision to change Tess's perspective from first to third from now on as I find it'll benefit me in my writing and your enjoyment. Also enjoy another chapter!

Sixteen: I'm hungry   

Once Katy had left with Austin, Tess was immediately bombarded with questions and queries by Jace. He prodded and poked even when she constantly reassured that she was absolutely fine. He was persistent, poking and moving his eyes around the small body within his hands to check for any bruises or visible injuries, which there were non but it made Tess laugh knowing he cared.

"This won't ever happen again, okay? Knights honour, I can't believe Austin did that to you.." Jace frowned a little, which Tess noticed and found didn't suit his features. She was use to the dimples that would appear in his warm cheeks, so bright with kindness behind his eyes. Resting a hand on his chest, he gave a nod as to confirm his promise with the action, the hint of a frown slowly turning up back into a large playful smile. Tess couldn't help but hold back a soft laugh and shake her head at the loon, waving him off with a smile in return

"I'm honestly fine, Jace. Katy was really nice to me and didn't hurt me. Okay? See, not a single scratch" Tess lifted her arms, pulling up the sleeves to make an example of herself and her uninjured body. Running her delicate fingers along her small arms, feeling the smooth skin that tickled her arms. He didn't seem convinced, eyeing the tiny girl a little longer then necessary with his large, blueberry eyes, pupils focusing in and out on her body to be absolute sure, worrying like a mother hen. Fussing and checking on her.

"Okay~" he says cautiously; leaning back onto the large bed with a cocked brow seeming still not convinced that another giant could be so caring to a human. Moving his hands up he carefully rested the tiny human from his lap to be upon his chest, his breaths slow and making his chest move up and down rhythmically beneath her. Amused, she shakes her head, strawberry blond locks brushing at her soft cheeks while her hand came to rest on one of Jace's abnormally large fingers to give a comforting pat before climbing off to sit upon his shirt. Her hands felt every breath, his heart beat was in her palms, slow and strong while hers began to speed up a little.

"Thank you for caring so much, atleast I know I have you. Unlike a certain someone" they both rolled they're eyes in agreement, she was beyond annoyed that Austin had forgotten all about her for the second time and she knew she wasn't just gonna let it down. Bringing his arms up, Jace rested his head in his hands where he lay, propping his head up in his hands so he could look down at Tess upon his chest, making her shift a little feeling strange being able to sit upon someone so big and be so effortlessly light. 

Her eyes moved slowly, to not make it obvious that she was looking at Jace as she eyed his large body. The wrinkles in his shirt were mountainous, his breaths were strong and every movement could knock her so easily off her feet onto the mattress that was way bellow.  She still wasn't use to this, how she could sit upon a giant boy who didn't seem to care much at all that she was there. His hands were so large they could snatch her up in one go, his body so large he could roll over and she'd be done for. The thoughts wandered about her mind, but she had to force herself out of that mind state knowing Jace would never.

"Why wouldn't I, I need to cause Austin is too~" he smiled and turned his head, turning her head also hearing footsteps coming up the stairs and moving closer til Austin's head appears about the doorway, "speak of the devil"

"Austin is too what? Huh? Be careful what your next words are" Austin gave a glare to Jace then rolled his eyes, moving to collapse like a sack of potatoes onto the bed, groaning lowly into the mattress. Tess gasped, the whole bed moving with Austin's body. Having to grab onto the seams of jaces shirt beneath her to keep her stable as Austin settled into the bed.

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