Ninteen: Admirer

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Nineteen: Admirer

The pocket was warm and dark and she felt like a sardined bunched up in a can. Now that his hand was free from inside the pocket with her, no longer holding her anymore and allowing her to spread out her limbs. She sat quietly in the bottom of the deep hammock of fabric, embarrassed and warm and feeling her heart in her ears. She could tolerate the smaller space, it wasn't as bad as one would think but it did make her uncomfortable as there wasn't enough natural daylight, just black all around her that swayed with each of Darricks steps. She felt uneasy, being so small, trapped in a pocket. Unable to know what was happening and not daring to stand, too embarrassed to show her face to Darrick.

While she was comfortable and was able to sit and wait she couldn't help but feel anxious being with Darrick. A stranger. This beautiful, strong and kind stranger, he who helped her as if he were a saint or an angel, this stranger.. who held her within his pocket like a doll. Could so easily throw her to the curb and leave her there..

This made her  breath tense and she forced herself not to hyperventilate on the cologne scented air. If she were to stand, speak a word or be taken out into his hand she didn't know how she would react. Curl into a ball and cry? To make eye contact would surely kill her with embarrassment, and she knew she would blush the colour of cherry popsicles after their moment earlier with him having to calm her from having a panic attack. She could still feel the warmth of his fingers on her chest and shoulders, making her cheeks warmer and her insides twist.

She could hear the large steady footsteps on the pavement, Darrick walking somewhere, anywhere he liked really as she was too small to say otherwise or do anything. She had lost track of time. If the sunset had been and gone she wouldn't of known, the pocket around her blocking any evidence of there being an outside world. She should be out and trying to talk to him, say anything , thank the boy that held her captive. But she couldn't bring herself to do it, embarrassed and scared.

Yet the claustrophobia was intense and the pull of the outside world overwhelmed her and she began to slowly crawl onto her knees, hopeful for The cool air on her cheeks outside the pocket, it swaying beneath her with every movement.


She  jumped a little as the darkness that once embraced her suddenly turned into a soft white glow, her eyes widening and she looks down to see her pocket, noticing.. her phone! The buzzer of the phone went off like an annoyed bee, buzzing again and again until she picked it up to see new messages glowing on her screen.

-Austin: where are you? I'll come get you just stuck with Lenny.


-Austin: have you hooked up with Darrick yet?


-Austin: get in

Scoffing she sat back in the curve of the pocket, smiling at her phone seeing the bombardment of messages she received from the two boys. Almost forgetting that she was inside a pocket as she began replying.

( To Austin) Tess: I'm with Darrick I don't know where he's taking me, and quit saying that! Nothings going to happen between us ok!

(To Jace) Tess: I'm okay! don't worry I~

She flinched as she was interrupted as her vision filled with light, brighter than her phone and filled the dark cave of the pocket that she was blinded. She raises a small hand to the brilliant sun rays, hiding her face after so long in the pocket her eyes had become unaccustomed to the sun raises. She gave a gasp at what she saw. Three very long, very large digits enter, curling around the edge and snaking inside, so large and strong as they searched for her body inside, quick to find her and pinch at her hips, lifting her so effortlessly from where she sat and dragged her up and out into the open world outside. It took her breath away and she had to hold back a scream.

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