The Ride for his Life

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Ray's pov

We carefully and swiftly carried Henry to the backseat of the man van. Once that was done, I wasted no time in getting to the driver's seat and driving this van at the speed of light.

Jasper and Charlotte were at the back, making sure Henry didn't move too much because that would make his injuries worse and were occasionally screaming from my fast driving but they didn't tell me to go slower knowing Henry's life is on the line

" RAY! TURN LEFT" Jasper yelled.

I made a sharp left turn, I tried driving faster when I saw Charlotte pale and yell.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Charlotte pov

Ray was driving like a maniac but none of us stopped him. I looked towards Henry's bloody figure and frowned. I don't know why but something just felt... off. Like there was something different but there wasn't he was still bloody his injuries got worse but that was to be expected.

It wasn't until a minute later did I realize what was wrong.

His chest wasn't rising, Henry wasn't breathing.

My eyes widened and I paled, I placed 2 fingers to Henry's neck desperate to find a beating pulse but there wasn't any.


I received 2 "WHAT"s in return.

Ray was quick to move, he practically forced Jasper to the driver's seat and knelt beside Henry starting chest compressions.

"Charlotte when I say go, tilt Henry's head back, pinch his nose and put your mouth over him then blow 2 times. (Chenry ;)

"But I-"


I had no choice, I didn't want to well, kiss Henry but it's this or his life. His lips felt so good on mine. Wait. No. Snap out of it Char!

I breathed into him 2 times before Ray started compressions again.

I did the same thing except when Ray was about to start again, Henry took a deep breath and his chest rose. Ray and I smiled. I saw an oxygen mask on my right and placed it over Henry's mouth. I checked his pulse and smiled at how it was beating, it might be abnormal but it was beating.

"What happened? Is Henry ok?" Jasper asked, worry clear in his voice.

"Yeah, we got his pulse back again, where are we now?" I asked

"We just exited Swellview mountain."

I groaned why did Mt Swellview have to be so big!

My face smashed against the window as Jasper made a sharp right.

Today is one of the worst day ever.


Jasper's pov

My body was overcoming with relief when Charlotte said Henry started breathing again. That relief didn't last long though, I started to get scared that it might happen again. I can't live with the fact that had I driven faster, Henry would still be alive. I increased the speed on this van and sighed. This is going to be a very very long day

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ray pov

I was panting from all the chest compressions I had to do on Henry. I think I cracked a rib but at least he's breathing. I've spent most of my life with Henry that it feels surreal just imagining life without him.

I still feel bad for calling Henry a quitter. I know now, Henry can't be a sidekick in Swellview forever while his friends are free. I understand it, doesn't mean that I like it though.

I looked back at Henry. If it weren't for all the blood, I would've thought he was just sleeping. His face looked so peaceful and-wait.

I quickly placed 2 fingers on his neck and paled drastically.

There was no pulse.


I started pressing against Henry's chest. His body was moving up and down from the amount of force I was putting into these compressions.

"NOW!" I shouted and saw Charlotte putting her mouth over Henry's and breathing into him 2 times. If this were any other situation, I would have teased them for making my OTP true but now's not exactly the right time .I started compressions again, feeling another rib break beneath my hands. I panted. Finally after what seemed like forever, Henry started breathing again.

Jeez, this kid is going to give me a heart attack if he keeps doing this.

"Jasper where are we ?" I asked , hoping we would arrive at Henry's soon because if I had to cpr Henry again-

" We're at Henry's neighborhood. Give me a minute."

"Okay" I said.

A minute later, we were FINALLY at Henry's house.

"GET SCHWOZ! JASPER HELP ME CARRY HENRY!" Charlotte ran into the house fetching Schwoz while Jasper and I lifted the gurney Henry was on then quickly carried him into the house.

I opened the door to reveal Piper, Henry's dad, Henry's mom, Schwoz and Charlotte all distressed.

There were all sorts of equipment and I saw a bed.

Their eyes snapped to me when I opened the door.

Schwoz immediately said, "Quick! Put him on the bed, we don't have much time."

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