The Man's Nest

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Some of it is Ray's pov of the last chapter, enjoy

I looked out of the window, a large cup of coffee in my hands and frowned. I don't know why but, I just feel like today isn't going to be the best. I shrugged it off as a feeling at first but it's not disappearing.

"Ray? What's wrong?" Bose asked from behind me.

"Nothing. Hey, does today feel odd?" I asked.

The members of Danger force looked at me in confusion, "Odd?" Mika frowned.

"Yeah, like something bad's going to happen?" I said.

As if on cue, Schwoz ran inside the room, looking frantic , " RAY! RAY! RAY! RAY!"


" Ever since last night, The air in Swellview has had an abnormal amount of controlând mintea gas! If a homo sapien breathes this in, it'll cause their cerebellum to malfunction and-"

"Ok, English please?" Miles told Schwoz.

Schwoz rolled his eyes and groaned, " controlând mintea is a gas that is needed to mind control someone and last night, a large amount of it was released-"

"Huh," Bose asked, looking genuinely confused.

"Arrggghhhh! Someone is trying to mind control Swellview!" Schwoz shouted.

"Why aren't we mind controlled then?" Chappa asked.

"Because the formula is-"
Schwoz was cut off by a large projector floating above Swellview. The members of Danger Force quickly got up and headed towards the window.

The projector turned on to reveal... Captain Darkness!

"Dear City of Swellview, It is I, Captain Darkness. If you haven't noticed yet, for the last 2 hours, you were all frozen. Like literally. Anyways, that is because of my beautiful invention." He turned the camera to face a machine of sorts, "This is a mind control device but since someone messed it up, it can control only half of Swellview. Because of that, I decided that I'll kidnap the half that aren't controlled until I fix this blasted machine and be able to control all of Swellview." He started laughing maniacally and the screens went black.

BANG! I turned around to see a random Swellviewer banging frantically at the entrance door.

"Ray! You have to let her in! The man's nest is the only safe place in Swellview right now!" Schwoz said.

I wasn't able to process anything yet so I just let the girl in, I saw a bunch of people start to enter and soon enough, the man's nest is full of people.

I finally started to process things and tried to get the Swellviewer's attention. I was just grateful that the man's nest has a lot of rooms and that Danger Force and I were in uniform. Actually, I couldn't really care about secret identities at the moment.

"OK! HEY!" I shouted, finally getting their attention, " ok so I know you're all scared and confu-"

"We're not scared!" a voice interrupted me. I looked at my left and saw the Toddler in all his glory. Fantastic.

"What- Toddler? I thought you were in jail? Why are you here?" I asked.

"Well first of all, I escaped. Secondly, I'm here because half of Swellview is mind controlled if you haven't noticed!" He replied sarcastically.

"Ok, well, If you are a villain, raise your hands." I said to the crowd.

And oh boy.

Within the crowd, I saw Dr Minyak and his hot assistant, Nurse Cohort, Vandell, Jeff, Frankini, the time jerker and the point is that most of the crowd were criminals.

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