I don't know what to call this chapter

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I sat on the couch as I waited for the rest to return. I looked at the clock. It said 10:00am. Things haven't been going well recently.I'm basically incapable of thinking due to yesterday and now Captain Darkness?

Henry. Just thinking about him felt weird. I haven't really thought of him much for the past year. I can't bear the thought of him, but it's impossible to not think of him now. Honestly, I could've sworn he was there! I held him! It was so real! Even the 4 kids believed it! But the security says otherwise.

"Hey, you ok?" a voice broke my thoughts.


Piper's pov

I sighed as the last person entered his room. I was thinking about Henry. Now that he's here, he's gonna have to be way more careful if he doesn't want anyone to know his identity. I walked my way back to Henry's room when I remembered that Ray wanted to hold a meeting.

I knew I had to go to Ray first. The team will get suspicious if me, the person who has the least amount of people in their line joins last.

As I headed to the main room of the man's nest, I passed the door to Henry's room. Hopefully he won't do anything stupid.

I sprinted across the hallway and soon found myself in the main room. On the U-shaped couch, I saw Ray, with his hands over his face.

"Hey, you ok?" I asked him.

He looked at me, stressed. I can't blame him, who wouldn't be? What with Henry's stunt yesterday and now Captain Darkness.

"Nah, I'm fine." He said but anyone would've known it was a lie.

"What's wrong?" I frowned.

"Nah, just... a lot has been going on recently and I just- I just really miss him." He said.

I looked at him in sympathy, I knew he was talking about Henry and at that moment I wanted nothing more than to just tell him Henry's alive and that he's in the man's nest of all places, just a couple feet away. But I can't so I did the next best thing. Comfort & pretend.

"I miss him too." I sighed, sitting beside him.

"Do you ever wanna just travel back in time and just leave all this?" he asked.

"If we do then who'd take care of the 4 kids?" I said, Ray didn't reply so I continued, " They remind me of Henry."

"Yeah, they're great aren't they?" He smiled.

" They're scared. Everyone is. We're all counting on you." I said.

" Well you shouldn't, I couldn't even save my own sidekick let alone hundreds of people." he said through gritted teeth.

"Maybe, but yet, you're still a hero aren't you? You still protect Swellview, you still train those kids, you still save lives every day." Before I could say more, Charlotte & Jasper came in and Danger Force followed not long after.

"What are we going to do?" Mika asked quietly, breaking the silence of the room.

Everyone looked at Ray, who was still sitting on the U shaped couch. Ray looked at us and said softly, " I- I don't know."


Piper's pov

Well that was a- fruitful meeting. If you count just standing or sitting in silence, a meeting but oh well. Charlotte eventually just took over and told us to prepare food & drinks for the non controlled people. I took out a device that looks like a phone,where I could see where everyone on the team is on the man's nest. Charlotte insisted that in case of an "emergency" we should know where each other are. This is helpful because now, Henry can avoid them better but at the same time, risky because if they find out that I'm always in the same place, ( Henry's room) they might get suspicious. Anyways, I saw that the rest are going to their own rooms excluding Schwoz who is in the lab and Ray who's still in the main room.

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