and that's a plan!

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Henry's pov

I laid down on my bed, just staring into oblivion thinking about -well just about everything really. For example what flavor is water? Is it wattery? Is that even a real word? Is it plain? What does plain taste like? What color is a mirror? 

I rolled my eyes, snapping myself out of my thoughts. 'This is stupid' I thought as I stared at the cream color of my bedroom ceiling. 

Suddenly, I heard a knock outside my door. That's odd, I don't remember inviting anyone over. With a frown in my face, I grabbed the closest thing to me, my shoe and slowly walked to the door. My hands crept over the handle about to unlock it when a voice from the other side spoke, " Hen, open the door." 

I deadpanned. I know that voice. I hate that voice. With a dramatic roll of my eyes, I opened the door. Faceplanting onto my bed, just because I have to talk to... her doesn't mean I have to see her.

"Amara." I said, with no emotion whatsoever. My voice was muffled throughout the pillow but I'm sure she could still hear me. " What do you want."


"What did you come here to brag? To remind me that I failed? To tell me my friends all died?"


I started getting rather angry. She's the one that came here but she hasn't said a word to me.

I jumped out of bed only to face her impassive face. I started to get even more angry. I grabbed the shoe from before and was about to hurl it at her head but she stopped it with her magical powers.

The shoe floated infront of her before dropping to the ground. " I decided to give you another chance." I was filled with ecstasy at those words.

" Wait really?" I asked but before I could continue, she interrupted me. 

"Don't interrupt me. And yes. I'm giving you a second chance BUT! I'm going to put you back at exactly 8:00am on the sixth day. You came back here on the fourth day so this is the day after tomorrow. This is very important. You cannot under any circumstances meet anyone. I mean both the people you know and the people you don't know as well. Anyone seeing you will result in you immediate return here."

"But that's not fair! How will I even-"

"I'm not finished. You can only show yourself to people on the seventh day AKA the day Swellview will go into war with Captain Darkness. I will be sending you to a room in the man's Nest that is not accessible to anyone but you. You will be able to hear their plans because of a camera and microphone I've hidden in their meeting room. After you fight on the seventh day, win or lose, you will be forced to come back here. Do not fail. There will be no more chances. Good luck. Bye." Amara snapped her fingers and before I knew it, I was surrounded my a golden, glittery mist and everything turned black.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ray's pov (Starting from here is the 6th day)

" Alright. This is the plan." I said, standing over a table of blueprints, a whiteboard beside me, whilst looking at everyone.

"Every mind controlled has a specific identity code. This identity code determines when a person will guard the City Hall aka Captain Darkness's hideout, whether or not someone is considered mind controlled and it gives you immunity to the controlând mintea gas. Yesterday, Schwoz and I managed to kidnap a zombie and extract the code. Schwoz then successfully managed to hack into their servers and steal 12 identity codes and turned them into bracelets for me, Danger Force, Frankini, Vandell, Toddler, Jasper, Cohort, Minyak and Charlotte to wear.

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