the Captain is rising

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Since only like one of you voted, I'm going to name the villain Captain Darkness


Captain Darkness pov

In Front of me stood Rick Twitler and Drex.

"What do you want? Who are you?" Drex shouted.

"Calm down, I want the same thing that you do, the destruction of Swellview."

"Oh and how are you going to do that?" Rick Twitler mocked.

I giggled then walked up to something that's covered in cloth.

I removed the cloth and Rick Twitler gasped.

"What is that?" Drex said.

I rolled my eyes under my mask and said, "It's a mind controller. I am going to mind control everyone in Swellview."

The lights turned on to reveal my small army behind me. Their eyes were clouded, "and it works." I added.

"Now gentlemen, how would you like to be my generals?"
I saw them grin evilly.

At the same time, both of them said, "That would be perfect."
"Oh and as for my name? Call me Captain Darkness."

Ray's pov

I've been thinking about the villain, Captain Darkness lately. I try to not think of him but I just can't help the feeling that something bad is going to happen.

I looked out of a window in the man's nest seeing the beautiful sight of Swellview.

The sky was stunning, a mixture of colors, hazy in the distance. I watched as the glowing sun slowly set under the horizon and smiled, " I wish you were here Hen, we could really use you."

Friendly reminder: NOT A SHIP

My smile slowly disappears as I remember I can't see Henry ever again. I shook my head and went to the main room of the man's nest. There I saw the four kids arguing about something, I don't want to get involved in.

I turned to the left and saw Schwoz holding a tablet and frowning.

I went to Schwoz and asked, "Hey Schwoz, what are you doing?"

"Just reading about Captain Darkness."

"Yeah, about him, what do you think of him?" I asked.

He looked at me and said, "Charlotte's right. 5 years ago he controlled all of Dystopia but what I'm confused about is why did he retire? He made the perfect machine, anyone who crosses in Dystopia is immediately mind controlled by him."

"Hmmm, and he's coming to Swellview?"

"Yeah, he is."

"Good thing I'm indestructible then."

"Yeah, good thing." Schwoz muttered.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minor swearing bc im mad and my mood affects my writing also this part might be bad bc I'm not in my right mind at the moment. So i might edit it later.

Henry's pov

I ran back to my house and slammed the door shut.

I put my hands over my face, "Shit, shit, shit. I just talked to Ray." I took out my phone and saw a message from Amara

A: I'll visit you

At this, I began to panic even more. Did I use one of my chances? It's just the first day! I-

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