Last Battle Pt 1

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Sorry I'm doing parts but I have exams coming up and yeah this is the best I could do. Also, I'm so sorry for not updating often I haven't been in the mood lately.

Piper's pov

I looked through the window, sighing as I saw the group leaving the man's nest. They were all wearing masks so they couldn't breathe in the gas. I had my hair in a high ponytail and I was wearing a simple black mask. As I was about to leave, I recalled what Ray said yesterday, I realize that doing this is stupid, I can fight but it certainly doesn't match Captain Darkness' . Then again, his defeat is Henry's last wish and I want to honor that. Besides, when have I ever listened to rules anyway. With a shaky sigh, I grabbed 2 laser guns and headed out. Silently following Ray and hoping he doesn't see me.

Ray's pov

I stood behind a tree as I stared at city hall. Schwoz managed to make a device that could change what you physically look like so I wouldn't have to reveal my identity as Ray or go as Captain Man, I will still have my powers and so will DF but I have to say, it's pretty odd not being in your own body nevertheless, it's not like I have a choice. Looking at my watch I saw the time 9:54. I pressed a hand against my earpiece and said, " Ok, 9:45 they should be arriving soon. Get ready.", getting a bunch of responses in return. While we have identity codes now, via bracelet, the people we stole it from still has that as well so now we have to knock them out or the plan will fail. I bit my nails, a habit that I've gained when I'm nervous as I look around for the guy who's id code I stole. Schwoz managed to find a picture for each of the people we've stolen and showed to us. As I expected,I saw a gangly, sandy-haired man walking towards city hall. 'He couldn't be more than 20' I thought sadly. At that moment, I made a promise. I'll get Swellview back. Fueled with determination, I muttered a quick sorry before covering the guy's mouth and knocking him out with a laser. After hiding him in an alley, I took a deep breath and started walking through city hall. To my right, slightly behind me, I saw Charlotte. Subtly nodding to her, I finally reached City Hall where I found a myriad of security. CCTVs and guards littered the place and just at the entrance were 2 stations with guards holding scanners. As I approached the station, I got extremely nervous, all the wrong scenarios started to play in my head. What if the code's wrong? What if I got recognized? "Pause." a stern voice cut my tread of thoughts. It was the guard. "Have I seen you before?"

I stayed silent, not knowing what to say.

The guy shook his head and just continued, " Alright, through the scanner."

I passed through the scanner, hoping this works.

"Subject 21038957, straight, to the right. NEXT!"

I could've passed out in relief then and there as I walked well, marched to where I'm supposed to be. Phase 1, done.

Henry's pov

I managed to make a plan after hearing Ray's yesterday. I'm pretty sure it's a terrible plan but, it's a plan. I saw Ray punching a guy in the distance, probably the person whose code he stole and started my plan. Dued to the abnormal times a villain tried to attack City Hall during my time as Kid Danger, I've gotten to know the place a lot and I've actually found a secret tunnel. It only led me to the scanners though, but that's enough. I knew these tunnels from when I was invited to go to the mayor's office and while I was outside the door, I could hear him having a conversation about said tunnels. Honestly, Swellview really needs to improve on security. I've never told Ray about the tunnels,obviously since it'd probably be a not so secret tunnel the day after besides, I've learnt that Ray and tunnels aren't exactly the best combo. I have the mole people- painting incident to thank for that. When I finally see that Ray successfully got in through the servers, I started to go to the tunnels, which was through a button hidden in the grass. I pressed it and felt the ground beneath me disappear completely and thank goodness for the abnormally fast elevator in the man cave or else I would've screamed my butt off. Anyways, my feet finally touched the ground and looking around, I saw a half-constructed tunnel. There were screws, wrenches and all sorts of other things. I grabbed a small flashlight that I bought earlier and turned it on. "Here goes nothing" I muttered before going my way.

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