He was There

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Ray's pov

"Ray? You ok? We need to get back to the man's nest." The members of Danger Force looked at me with worried expressions.

Why you may ask?

Well, that's because I haven't moved from my spot for 25 minutes. I wasn't kidding when I said "frozen in shock"

The fact that I haven't talked or had any social interaction might also be a contributing factor.

"Ok you know what? I've had enough." was all I heard before I was zapped and hurled across Swellview Park.

" Ray, I know you're in shock but you need to get it together! I bloody saw that too you know? All of us did! So for the Love of Swellview, let's go to the man's nest or I'LL DRAG YOU THERE MYSELF!" Chappa shouted, zapping me with another volt of electricity.

This seems to have snapped me out of my shock well, at least a little.

"Hmm? Yeah, man's nest" I mumbled.

You can't blame me, I just saw my dead best friend! Or is he alive now? That doesn't matter.

I still didn't move from my spot and Chappa, true to her word dragged me to the man's nest


Man's nest

The moment I entered the man's nest Charlotte, Jasper, Piper and Schwoz immediately ran to where I was and bombarded me with questions

"Are you ok?"

"What happened?"

"Did you defeat Captain Darkness?"

"Wait, how did you know it was Captain Darkness?" Mika asked them.

"Charlotte and Jasper thought he looked familiar when they looked in his file then Scwoz scanned him and found out it was Captain Darkness." Piper said.

"Wait so you don't know?" Miles asked.

"Know what?" the 4 members of team danger asked.

"Henry was there." Chappa said.

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