Train of Thoughts

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Henry's pov

I sighed in relief as Charlotte dragged Piper out. Retreating from behind the stairs, I walked to the kitchen counter, where Piper was and saw a piece of paper

I opened it and saw

Text me: 894 8263 438

It was her phone number. That's my sister. I brought my phone out and added her number to my contacts.

Suddenly, I saw a light flash in the corner of my eye.

I looked towards where it was and saw Amara.

"That was an eventful night." She said.

Yeah duh.

"Hen, be careful next time. You can't afford any more reveals."

"Yeah, I know. Is anything going to happen today?" I asked.

"I can't tell you that but, I can tell you that the bane of Swellview, whom you now know as "Captain Darkness" is rising. It's not fun and games anymore Hen." she said seriously.

"Brilliant!" I retorted, sarcasm clear in my voice.

"Just, good luck." With that, she promptly vanished to thin air.

I sighed, a lot has happened in 2 days and it's not that I don't like it, it's just. No matter how much I hate it, Amara's right. The more people find out about me being alive the more they're in danger.

I'd rather them think I'm dead and be safe rather than know I'm alive but meet danger at every corner.

At least Piper agreed to keep it a secret. If she didn't, I honestly wouldn't know what to do.

Well, I'm pretty sure I'll be dead If she did.

Yeah, Amara might've allowed Piper to know, but I don't think she'd be happy if the whole team did.

I ran my hands through my hair, trying not to think much.

"I need a shower" I said to no one in particular then went into the bathroom to do said thing.


Piper's pov

As I walked in the man's nest, I saw the whole team including danger force pacing around.

They froze when they saw me and Charlotte enter, then Ray smiled and said, "Piper!"

They're shoulders slumped in relief.

"Where've you been?" Jasper said.

"Sorry, I was at my house but then I overslept." I apologised.

"Ok, next time text us or call us or something." Charlotte said.

"Yeah, I know. So.... Whatcha guys doing?? Any emergencies?" I said, trying to lighten up the mood.

"So far no-"

As if on cue, the emergency alarm ran, interrupting Schwoz.

"That was perfect timing." Jasper raised his eyebrows.

"Right?" Charlotte and I said simultaneously.

"EMERGENCY!" Ray shoute, running to the monitors. " It looks like this guy in a hood is digging holes at Swellview park!"

"Holes?" Me, Charlotte and Jasper said. Or was it Charlotte, Jasper and I? Nevermind. I saw as Ray and the kids blew their bubblegum and turned into Captain Man and Danger Force.

"You coming?" I asked Charlotte and Jasper.

"Nah, we're still not at 100% plus, Ray and Danger Force can handle it." Charlotte shrugged.

"Well you're missing out then, DOWN THE TUBE!" Chappa shouted venomously.

The tube zoomed down and as it did, I heard a few things along the lines of " I wanted to call it!" and "Chappa!"

"They remind me of Ray and Henry." Jasper giggled.

Everything was silent and at that moment I wanted to shout HENRY'S ALIVE or that he's in his house, perfectly fine but I knew I couldn't. Well, unless I wanted Henry dead according to that Amara girl.

"Yeah" Charlotte said but it seemed forced. Wait, are her eyes watering?

Schwoz's phone rang and he brought it up and said, " Oh look Ray's on the news!"

That seemed to destroy the air of sadness and everyone brought out their phones.

I brought out mines and saw a text from an unknown person, I was about to delete it when I read it and immediately realized it was Henry.

H: Don't delete this! You know who I am.

I rolled my eyes

P: Dramatic much?????

H: Well it wouldn't be as cool as saying "Hi" would it?

P: Yeah, don't try and act cool, doesn't really suit you.

H: heyyyy! Who was it that cried for hours saying they missed me :)))

P: Never speak of that.

H: :)))

P: ur such a dork

H: u take that back!

P: Nope!

H: *sigh* Anyways, how's it going in the man's nest?

P: Ray and the kids just went to stop this guy digging holes in Swellview park.

H: oh

P: Hey, u should go there!

H: Swellview park?

P: no, outer space. OF COURSE THE PARK!

H: No! What if they see me?

P: First of all, it's not that big of a deal, you said that Amara girl told you that if ppl saw u then u'd just have a smaller chance at defeating the guy. Secondly, you can wear a disguise. Lastly, they won't see you! What's a guy digging holes gonna do?

H: You rlly think I should do this?

P: yeah!

H: fine

"Who're you texting?" Charlotte asked.

I realized I was smiling the whole time, " Oh no one, just this girl I met in Florida." I lied.

"Oh, ok." Charlotte said.

"Hey guys?" Charlotte continued, "Hmm?" we all replied. " I've been looking at this guy digging holes and he seems familiar."

Jasper frowned as he looked at the monitors, " Yeah, like we've met before."

"Let me see." Schwoz unceremoniously pushed Charlotte out of the chair which caused Charlotte to shout, "Schwoz!"

Schwoz pushed some buttons to scan the picture.

Once the results came in,

All of us took a collective gasp.

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