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I walked through Swellview Cemetery, holding a white daisy in my hand.

After some time, I eventually stopped at a familiar grave.

I kneeled and placed the flower on the grave.

"I miss you kid." I muttered, looking at the graveyard of Henry Hart.

BOOM! I looked up and felt drops of water falling from the sky. It was raining.

I looked back down to see the daisy and stared at it.

I remembered Henry ever said that his favorite flower was a daisy. I just laughed at him and called him 'girly' but here I am now.

I closed my eyes as I thought about today. Today had been... interesting to say the least.

I met Captain Darkness and I realized that I really shouldn't underestimate him because that guy is really strong and he's with Drex too? I was starting to doubt I could ever defeat him. I can't even defeat Drex! And don't even get me started on Rick Twitler! Gosh! That guy is so annoying!

I was about to die or even worse, one of those kids was about to die when this guy came in. I recognized him as the guy from the toddler incident at the park but, when I removed his mask, I saw Henry.

I know, people can't come back from the dead but it felt so- real. The few seconds where I stared into Henry's or whoever that guy's eyes, I don't know, it felt like nothing ever happened. Henry never died, we're all happy crime-fighting, Jasper being an idiot, Charlotte getting annoyed at us, Schwoz being the weird person he is.

Something inside me just sparked and I don't know how to explain it. That was Henry, I'm sure of it! But, no one believes me.

I looked at the grave one more time and giggled, " Wow, I - we could- really use you here kid. Things are a disaster and everyone's all over the place." I paused, " You know I saw you today? Yeah, you were fighting and you were so cool! You were just throwing punches and it was so awesome. To be honest, I think you were better than me." I waited for an " I told you so" or anything really but, there was nothing.

I nodded, looking at the ground, " I really miss you."

I looked up once more and felt the rain drip on my face when something caught my eye.

I looked to the left and saw a security camera.

That's it! I can't believe I haven't thought of it before! There were security cameras where we fought! I just need to show the others!

I stood up and looked at the grave, a big smile on my face, " Thank you." I said, before running as fast as I can towards the man's nest.


I arrived at the man's nest, wet from the rain and panting heavily. Despite this, I was still smiling. I walked to the computers, where I pushed a bunch of buttons then, a list of locations appeared.

"Nacho ball, no."

"Inside out, no."

"Anything but capes? Hey I shou- Nevermind. Focus Ray!"

I mumbled before finally stopping at,

"Swellview Park Yes!" I cheered, I clicked it and rewinded the footage.

"Okay, I arrived, Captain Darkness, Drex, Twitler... HERE!"

I saw the footage in front of me, where I was holding the guy's hand. The hood fell down to reveal a brunette boy?


I zoomed at the footage and saw a brunette, blue eyed boy.

Huh? I could've sworn that was Henry!

I- I felt him! I held his arm! I- I saw his face! But- the proof is right in front of me and it's- not him.

I sighed, Piper's right. Who was I kidding, nothing good ever happens to me anyway.

I slammed the off button of the computer, shutting them down and dragged myself out to my room. I looked back at the computer one more time and shook my head.

What was I thinking, that's too good to be true


Meanwhile, in another realm, different from Earth, Amara was biting her lip and looking down in guilt. "Sorry Ray, but I can't let you find out."

She then walked away, her dress flowing behind her.

7 days - A Henry Danger fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now