Meeting Ray and defeating the Toddler

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I apologise in advance for the horrible title.

Ray pov

"Stop it right there Toddler!" I said.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Captain Jerk and his little-jerk band."

"HEY!" Volt said, zapping the Toddler with her lightning.

"OWW!'' the Toddler cried, cradling his arm, "GOONS! ATTACK THEM!"

Immediately goons started charging at us, I got into a fighting position and began to fight them.

*5 minutes later time skip* (sorry i'm bad at fight scenes)

I pulled my laser from my pocket but a goon punched it away. It seems like the goons were all focusing on me. The Danger Force were trying to distract them by attacking the goons with their powers, but it didn't seem to work.

Vaguely, I could hear the Toddler's evil laughter. I raised my hand to protect myself from a punch but it never came.

I lowered my hand and saw a guy with a cap, a black hoodie and grey jeans holding my blaster towards the now unconscious goon.

"Captain man!" he said, throwing me the blaster.

That voice sounded really familiar but I ignored it. I started blasting the goons and soon enough, all the goons were unconscious.


Henry's pov

I was overwhelmed with so many emotions when I saw Ray, nostalgia, sadness, happiness, pride. It's brilliant! I don't even know how to describe it.

It took me all my self control and discipline to not hug Ray now and tell him I'm not dead.

"Stop it right there Toddler!" I heard him say. Wow it's so good to hear his voice again.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Captain Jerk and his little-jerk band." the Toddler sneered.

I wanted to punch him, no one insults my friends but before I could do so Chappa or Volt screamed, "HEY!" and started zapping the Toddler with her lightning.

"OWW!'' the Toddler cried, cradling his arm, "GOONS! ATTACK THEM!"

I watched anxiously as goons charged after them.

I noticed that the goons were coming after Ray and not Danger Force. I started to worry

I knew I had to do something but what!? I looked around and saw Ray's blaster and got an idea, hopefully he doesn't recognize me. "Captain man!" I threw the blaster towards him.

He caught it and began zapping the goons unconscious.

"NO FAIR!" Toddler shouted.

"Come on Toddler, you're going to jail. AWOL?" Ray asked.

"Got it." AWOL said.

AWOL grabbed the toddler and teleported to the Swellview prison.

I saw Ray say something to Danger Force before they left. Ray then walked towards me.

Oh no.

I tried to disappear in the crowd but that didn't work.

""Hey! Thanks for helping me back there." he said.

"Yeah, no problem." even a blind person could tell I'm nervous. Come on Henry! Get it together!

"You're a fan?" he asked.

I immediately thought of an idea and said

"I-yeah, sorry. Ever since I was a child." which was technically not a lie.

"So why are you wearing all this?" he tilted his head to the side.

"I- er- well," I stuttered to think of a lie, "my-err- I'm sick. Yeah, I have a cold so I was getting some medicine."

I was thanking my years of lying as KD right now.

"Okay,well ,get well soon! Bye!"

"Bye!" I watched as Ray walked away.

Once he was out of sight, my phone started beeping uncontrollably.

I'm going to be in so much trouble.


Ray's pov

I walked away from the guy.

I don't know why but he seems oddly familiar. Like I've seen his face somewhere, like I've heard his voice before.

I'm trying not to think of it much but there's just something about him that I can't quite place my finger at.

It's not something bad, it's like when I met him, it's like peace and happiness rush towards me.

I shook my head, I'm probably just imagining things.


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