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I... would be lying if I say I am not nervous. I've seen this courthouse in the anime but...


Like in the anime, there's a huge painting on the ceiling, there's a lot of people, especially soldiers from the Survey Corps, Garrison, and The Military Police Brigade.

Above where the Judge is seated, the three regiments' logos are placed including the Training Corps.

In the middle of the room, two poles were placed. I'm guessing that's where they will put us.

I glance at Eren to see his shocked expression. The two Military Police soldiers placed their guns behind our backs and shoved us forward.

"Get a move on!" they yelled. Eren and I walked towards the pole and two more soldiers came closer to us.

"Kneel down." one soldier said. Two soldiers lifted the pole up and Eren kneeled.

I was hesitant but kneeled down eventually. They placed the pole down and locked it up.

I looked at it and saw there was a gap in the middle where they placed the chain of our cuffs inside.

I nervously looked around, Nile Dok, Commander of the Military Police Brigade, was looking at us with a paper in his hand.

Dot Pixis, Commander of the Garrison, was looking straight with a small smile.

Erwin Smith, Commander of the Survey Corps, was looking straight with a blank look with Levi next to him.

I took another glance around and saw Mikasa, Armin, Rico, and Mina. There they stood straight with hands on their backs, Mina glanced at me with a worried gaze.

I sent her a small smile and noticed someone or some people behind them. I squinted my eyes and saw Jan, Mitabi, and another familiar Garrison soldier.

"Wait... that guy... he's that person I saved on that Titan that was supposed to bite him. Why are they here? Isn't it just supposed to be Armin, Mikasa, and Rico?" I thought while looking at them.

A realization struck my mind. "Oh yeah... they 're supposed to be dead now..."

A door opening was heard and Eren and I looked at it. Dhalis Zachary sat at the judge's seat and placed his coat down on the table.

Zachary fixed his sleeve and placed his arms down the table and looked at us.

"Now then, let us begin." Zachary said.

My heart started to beat fast, sweat dripped down my cheek and I swallowed the lump down my throat.

"Okay. Calm down, (Y/n). You'll do just fine."

"Eren Yeager and (Y/n) Yeager, correct?" Zachary asked as he looked down at the paper while lifting his glasses up.

"You two are soldiers who have offered their lives for mankind. Is that accurate?" Zachary asked.

"Yes." Eren and I said. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves down and bit my lower lip.

"This is an unprecedented case. The trial will be a special court-martial in which common law does not apply, with the final decision being left entirely to me." Zachary said and looked down at us.

"We shall also decide whether you two live or die. Do you have any objections?" Zachary asked seriously.

Eren looked down then to me, I looked at him with a small sad smile and shook my head.

"We don't." I said and looked down. Eren took a second before answering the same thing I did.

"I'm glad you two are quick on the uptake. I'll be blunt. As expected, hiding the two of you from the public was impossible. Unless we declare your existence in some manner, we may be faced with a threat other than Titans." Zachary said.

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