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"Hey! Get back here!" Historia yelled and chased after two children, who were laughing as they sprint away from her.

Jean, Armin and Eren watched silently on the sides as the cow mooed. Three days had already passed after the siblings helped Hange with their idea and they will test it out tomorrow along with some reporters to spread the news if it worked.

They're currently on the vast farm field where they built homes for the people who need it.

Jean crossed his arms as they watched Historia chase the two children.

"She's uh..." Jean muttered, not expecting this is how Historia will act.

"Yeah... She's not exactly acting like a queen." Armin said with a nod, getting what Jean wanted to say.

"It's only been two months since the coronation, but you can tell she's more at home running an orphanage." Jean said with a bored look.

"Have you heard her nickname yet?" Armin asked with a small smile, making Jean glanced at him with slight interest.

"The Cattle-Taming Goddess. Not as an insult of course." Armin said.

"She's already been elevated to divine status." Jean said before his face turned into a wicked grin as he glanced at Eren.

"It won't be too long now before everyone forgets who plugged the breach at Trost, am I right?" Jean mocked but Eren ignored him.

"One of the reasons Historia agreed to be crowned was to do exactly this." Eren told with a blank face.

"What do you mean, this?" Armin asked and glanced at him. Jean frowned when he got ignored but listened.

"To take care of all the orphans and the needy, whether they're from the underground or the surface. The captain supported the idea since he grew up in the underground." Eren said and continued.

"She said that her goal is to help those who need it most, no matter who or where they are. So this is exactly what Historia wants to do."

They all watched as the children messed with their friends. One girl pulled Connie's cheek too hard, making grunt in pain. Two children bugged Sasha, making her almost drop the box she was holding.

Mikasa watched them with a slight frown, Mina nervously smiled when one kid asked to carry them and Marco rubbed his cheek as the little girl on his back laughed.

A little girl ran past them and the three watched her run towards (Y/n), who's getting surrounded with kids not too far from them.

"Ah- uhm..." (Y/n) sweat dropped as she wanted to get away from them.

"Here! I made this!" the little boy said and showed (Y/n) a flower crown.

"Aw, thank you." (Y/n) smiled and lowered her head, making the little boy giggle and placed the flower crown on her head.

"Now you're a princess!" another kid exclaimed and the others nodded and hummed in agreement.

(Y/n) lightly blushed and scratched her nape.

"A cool princess?" a kid asked.

"No, she's a brave princess!"

"She's a badass princess!!"

Armin sweat dropped and let out a chuckle as the kids are now fighting what kind of princess (Y/n) is.

"Are they seriously..." Jean muttered and sighed.

"Can you play this!?" a boy who's around 10 years old suddenly asked and showed (Y/n) a guitar.

"Hm? A guitar? Where did you get this?" (Y/n) asked and gently took it with a chuckle, sitting down on the box she was supposed to carry before the kids swarmed her.

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