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"Be careful with the flour!"

I heard Lucas yell from the other side of the kitchen as Karl and I put in the flour inside the mixing bowl.

We already mixed the sugar, eggs and the others. We only need to put in the dry mix there.

"That got me thinking, where did you get the sugar, little flower? They're pretty hard to find and it's expensive." Karl asked as he sifted the flour.

"A child like me never reveals her secrets." I said and a cheeky grin.

"Now that is suspicious. 'A child like you', huh?" Karl said and squinted his eyes on me.

I just nodded at him and folded the mixture using a spatula. I noticed it lacked a small amount of flour so I added a little bit more.

After a few minutes of folding, I smiled at the good texture of it.

Lucas walked closer to us with some chocolate in his hands. We surprisingly made chocolate from scratch AND without freezing it.

The chocolate hardens at room temperature, it wasn't good like the ones when you froze it, but it was decent.

"Is this the last thing we need for the... what do you call it? Cookies?" Lucas asked as he broke off the chocolate, putting it in the mixing bowl.

"Chocolate Chip Cookies! I can't wait!" I squealed while Karl was folding the mixture and covered it with a plate.

"Let's clean first as we wait for a little while." Karl said and grabbed the egg shells on the counter.

"Whaat... okay." I muttered before helping them clean up.

"Making chocolate takes too long to make, especially when we break it into powder." Lucas started with a chuckle.

"Ugh don't get me started with that! My arms are sore after that!" Karl groaned, making me grin.

"You need muscles, Karl." I said and patted his arm.

Karl rolled his eyes with a smile.

"You know what, forget waiting. Let's bake it nooow!!" I yelled as we finished cleaning.

"We're done cleaning anyways, come on!!!" I dragged both of them to the dough.

"Calm down, kid." Lucas chuckled and lifted me up like nothing, placing me to the counter.

"Gah-?! What the hell?!"

"Leave this to the adults." Karl grinned and I crossed my arms.

"I'm mentally an adult." I said and huffs. There's no lying in that.

"Yeah no. You're a child, enjoy it while you can." Karl said as Lucas placed the dough equally on a tray and placed it on the castrol stove.

"Now we wait. Again." Lucas said with a smile.

"I'm guessing 12-15 minutes should be fine." Lucas added and timed his pocket watch.

"What should we do with those minutes?" I heard Karl mutter.

I glanced at my side and saw the pack of flour. A grin made up in my face and grabbed a handful of it and glanced back at the two.

"What do you think- wait, what's with that grin on your face?" Karl warily asked and I shrugged.

"Ohh, noothiing..." I said as I looked away before looking back at them, lifting my hand up.

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