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Eren and I screamed as Eren carried me on his back, running towards our room to change.

We just got back from the cemetery and now we're just messing around. You know, we shouldn't be this loud since we just sneaked out without permission.

Do you think we care? Pfft- nope, we do what we want to.

"GO EREEEN!!!" I pointed forward and gripped his shoulder.

Eren lifted me a bit higher and ran faster with a chuckle.

"WE'RE SO IN TROUBLE!" Eren exclaimed with a laugh.

"WHO CARES!? LOOK, I CAN SEE THE DOOR!" I pointed at the door of our room as Eren ran towards it.

Eren slammed open the door and I slapped the door close. I jumped down from Eren's back and laid on the floor.

"Let's go!!" I grinned.

"Okay, okay, now change. The others might find us wearing suits." Eren chuckled as he grabbed our uniforms.

I watched Eren grab our clothes and I pursed my lips.

"I don't want things to change yet..."

I stood up and grabbed my uniform.

"I'm not ready for that."

"I'll take the bathroom, you change here, okay?" I said and pointed at the bathroom door.

Eren nodded and I entered the bathroom to change, locking the door.

I removed the jacket first then loosened the tie. Next I unbuttoned the white dress shirt from top to button and removed it, revealing my black sports bra.

I grabbed the clean white buttoned blouse and wore it, buttoning the buttons. I then unbuckled my belt and removed my black trousers.

I grabbed my white pants and wore them, then put in the braces on my back, adjusting the straps on my legs and chest for my comfort.

Grabbing the rest of my clothes, I left the bathroom, placing the jacket on the bed. I folded my suit and placed them on the side, I noticed Eren having a hard time placing the straps cuz he's gritting his teeth.

"Pfft- need help?" I spoke up. He glanced at me and shook his head.

"No, I got this." Eren grunted and finished wearing the straps.

I chuckled and wore the small skirt and placed the belt on my hips. I grabbed our high-knee boots and I placed Eren's close to him.

I sat on the bed and removed my black shoes before wearing my boots. Lastly, I grabbed the survey corps jacket and wore it. I'm keeping my hair as it is cuz why not?

"There, I'm done." I said and glanced at Eren, who's wearing his boots.

"What did I miss by the way before you came to fetch me?" I asked him as he finished.

"Well... not much really. Hange-san just reminded me that we'll be helping her tomorrow and that's it." Eren answered and I nodded.

"I heard that they finished making the homes and found a vast land for a farm for the poor and orphans, along with the people who lived underground." I spoke up and I heard Eren humming.

"Yeah, they also gave the shining crystal to the civilians as a source of light." Eren said.

"Now that's cool..." I hummed with a small smile.

I noticed something on the nightstand and walked towards it.

"What is this? A bracelet?" I asked and gently grabbed it. I inspected the bracelet, it was a string bracelet. Three colored strings that are braided together, green, black, and (f/c).

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