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Zeke is now sprinting back to their home as he finished training. He met Tom Ksaver today when they were walking back to base and got to play baseball with him.

It was his first time playing baseball and he received a praise from Ksaver about his aiming and catching skills, despite him being small.

Ksaver told him that he's very suitable for being a pitcher one day in which he smiled at. He felt the same warmth from playing with him just how he hung out with Monika.

He can't wait to tell Monika about his day as he already forgave her earlier for being late last night.

Zeke rushed inside their place and closed the door with a big smile on his face. He went to Monika's room first and knocked thrice before opening it.

"Moka! You won't believe what I..." Zeke trailed off when he didn't see Monika in her room.

He slightly frowned but then shook it off, she probably just did something real quick. She did promise him to hang out after his training.

Zeke then went to his father's office and opened it as he heard both of his parents inside the room with a patient.

"I'm home! Dad, you know today-" Zeke got cut off my Grisha, who glanced at him.

"I'll listen to it later, Zeke. After the medical examination is over." Grisha told Zeke as he stepped back.

Grisha then closed the door as Zeke remained outside, staring at the door.

"What's going on, Grice?" Zeke heard his father ask the patient named 'Grice'.

"This mission will be a failure if Zeke isn't able to become a warrior. Like the Owl and the Moth said, for Zeke to become a successor of a Titan, he needs to keep his grades up."

Zeke slightly opened the door to peeked inside, seeing both of his parent's look worried and stressed as they continued to talk.

"Where's Monika? She should be here meeting with us." Grice asked, making Grisha place a hand on his forehead.

"She's out again, she's been avoiding me more than usual. " Grisha sighed out.

"I can't blame her for ignoring you. She hated your plan from the beginning but let it slide." Grice told him with a frown.

"But to be honest, I'm also against your plan. Entrusting this whole thing to your kid isn't the best plan to come up with." Grice added while pointing at him.

Grisha let out a grunt and rubbed his temple as Dina rubbed his back.

"We're getting out of topic here, Grice. Can't the Owl or the Moth do something about this?" Grisha asked the male.

"They're not the ones who're in charge of choosing the successor. They can only intervene in Zeke as a warrior if he has decent scores, and right now he doesn't." Grice informed them.

"Well then what do we do?! Who knows how many hundred years it will get until we get another chance like this!" Grisha exclaimed.

"But... With Zeke's abilities, there is still a possible chance of victory, right?" Dina spoke up.

"Yes... But even so. If it's Zeke then...!" Grisha then noticed Zeke peeking in the door, making him let out a gasp.

Zeke gasped and stepped back, the door was pushed open to see all three of them looking down at him. Their brows were furrowed as the light behind them made shadows in their faces.

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