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Alex was starting to hate Cedric being a champion. And not because of any of her previous reasons. He always seemed to be swarmed by a cluster of girls and he was too nice to just shove them away. At first, his discomfort was funny. Now, it was plain annoying. She debated going over to him and telling the girls to bog off but caught sight of Malfoy and remembered her plans. She stomped off towards him.

"You're not going to hex me again are you?" He asked. "Because you've got that angry face on like you're about to."

"Don't worry. You haven't annoyed me that much. Whatever. Here." She handed him an open cardboard box. He looked inside.

"Okay, great. Thanks."

"Get them to as many people as you can. And if you need more tell me."

"Got it."

"You should press them, by the way. I added a little something."

"Question. Why are you doing this? Isn't Potter your friend?"

"No." She scoffed. "Hermione's his friend, and Ron's his friend. I'm Hermione's friend. I have no affiliation with Harry."

"So you hate him?"

"Fifty fifty, really."

"I don't get it. Why are you doing this then?"

"He needs to be taught a lesson." She shrugged and sauntered off to find Cedric, the badge pinned to her robes. She glared at a girl in particular who was reaching to touch Cedric's hair. "All of you. Scram." She said and they ran away.

"What would I do without you?"

"Have a crowd of girls fawn over you?"

"Who needs that when I've got the world's best girlfriend? I like your badge. Kind of an obvious dig at Potter, though."

"It gets more obvious."

"Do I want to know?" Cedric asked and she shook her head. "Okay, moving on to the tasks."

"I'm pretty sure the first ones going to be dragons because Charlie says it's not long until I can ride Saphira."

"Aren't I supposed to not know this?"

"Relax, Ron'll tell Harry. I'll mention to Amélie that I saw dragons or something and she'll tell her cousin. And I'm sure Karkaroff will tell Krum but if it makes you feel better, I'll drop Draco hints for Krum too. Then you'll all be on the same level."

"You're very connected." He realised and Alex shrugged. "Are you sure Ron knows?"

"He saw the dragons when I told him I'd feed him to Saphira so he should be able to put it together. If not, Hermione will tell Harry."

"You told your brother you'd feed him to a dragon?"

"Wait until you see what I have in store for the twins."

"Why all this vengeance? Potter with the badges, Ron with the threatening?"

"They dissed you."

"So you're coming to my rescue?"


"Because I can't defend myself?"

"You could. You wouldn't. Besides my brothers are my problem. And Harry doesn't get away with it just because he's not my brother."

"I think I'm obligated to ask what else your badge does now."

"You'll see." She said. "Walk me to class?"

"Sure. Ancient runes?"

"Yeah." He held out his arm and she linked hers through it. "So, you're not going to be fighting the dragons, and they probably don't expect you to tame one. Maybe you're supposed to ride one, or feed one."

"Feed one?" He asked, incredulously.

"Clearly you have never tried to feed a dragon."

"Of course, because everyone has tried to feed a dragon." He teased.

"I don't see you giving suggestions."

"Maybe there'll be an obstacle course and the dragon's part of it?"

"That actually makes sense."

"No need to sound so dumbfounded."

"I'm not. You're a great strategist, it's what makes you a good captain." He beamed. "You look like a weirdo, smiling like that."

"I've been told I have a nice smile." He defended.

"By who? Your mum?"

"Oof." He let go of her arm, staggering as though she'd hurt him. She laughed.

"Come on, dork." She reached for his hand and pulled him along to class. They passed Danny in the entrance hall, who gave her the most menacing glare he could muster.

"Yikes, he really hates you." Cedric pulled her in close, slinging his arm around her.

"Oh, you have no idea. He has to take part in the competition again this year if he wants to qualify as Hogwarts champion. Then he and I and anyone else who's won the competition in the past seven years who would like to try their hand at being Hogwarts's champion compete against each other in November, and in the winter break the champions get to compete against each other in the enchanted garden."

"Enchanted garden sounds cool."

"Will you be there?"

"Wild thestrals couldn't keep me away." He said. "Unless they trample me because I can't see them, and I end up in the hospital wing."

"You have to stop with the badges." Cedric said, later that evening in the common room.

"You saw?" She said. "I'm quite attached."

"The whole school already hates him. You're only adding fuel to the fire."

"If you're going to talk shit about someone, be prepared for someone to talk shit about you. It's simple."

"What, and you'd be fine if the entire school was against you one day?"

"They probably will be. And I'm prepared for it."

"Sometimes I forget how low you actually think of people." He said.

"Maybe I'm not the one with unrealistic expectations. Maybe you think too highly of people."

"At least stop wearing your badge?" He asked.

"Fine." She took it off. "Do you want to help me get at the twins?"

"What were you thinking?"

A/N- Oop, she don't like all these girls not minding their business. Let's be real, we all know Cho Chang was definitely one of the girls flirting with Cedric.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 4Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα