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When Alex returned to her dorm that night, Megan had taken to ignoring her. Too exhausted to mentally participate in the difficult conversation ahead, she'd decided to ignore her back and got into bed, reading by her wand light.

The next day, Megan sent her a dirty look and went about her morning routine and Alex knew she'd left it long enough.
"Megan." Alex stepped in front of her.

"Wait wait, let me guess. You're sorry? You were just really upset and you took it out on us. You promise never to act like such a bitch?"

"Two out of three." Megan scoffed and tried to walk past her and Alex grimaced stepping in front of her. "Okay, look. I was upset, you're right, and I am sorry. And yes, it's going to be one of those things I don't tell you. But I'm not going to lie and tell you I won't ever behave like this, because we both know sooner or later I'm going to slip up and revert to old habits. I never mean to hurt you and I just was really upset yesterday- which is not an excuse. It really isn't. What I did wasn't acceptable and I shouldn't have been such a bitch. I'm not asking you to forgive me, I'm not. Take as long as you need. I just had to apologise." Alex stepped out of her way. Megan eyed her curiously before walking past her. Alex waited a beat before going out to the common room where she met Cedric and they headed out to breakfast together.

Megan sat in the furthest seat away from Alex though still sat in the same vicinity. Hannah, Susan and Charlie tread carefully when it came to talking to Alex until she finally got bored.
"Okay, stop... please?" Alex asked. "I was angry but it wasn't at you guys, and I'm not blowing my lid off again now. I'm sorry."

"Why were you so mad yesterday?" Susan asked and Alex just focused back on her food.

"I don't want to talk about it." She said, tearing her sandwich into pieces.

"Right, because why would you ever trust us?" Megan muttered and Alex ignored it.

"Hey, Dumbledore said to give you this." Maxine came up behind her with her new schedule and Alex took it.

"Thanks." Alex took the parchment, and skimmed through the it, looking at the new additions of her DADA class and sixth year ancient runes.

"What's that? Or is it another secret?" Megan snided.

"Updated timetable." She said, holding the page out to Megan. Megan looked at it warily but eventually her curiosity won out. She took the timetable out of Alex's hand.

"You're joining our Defense Against the Dark Arts class?"

"What?" Charlie leaned over to see.

"What happened to your lessons with Snape?"

"It's probably time I took lessons with my class like a normal student?"

"You've taken exactly one DADA lesson with us in three years." Megan pointed out. "And since when are you normal?"

"You're also in another time slot for runes. Don't you usually have it during my divination?" Susan asked.

"On the bright side, I did win us thirty points from Babbling. But, I've also been moved from the fourth year class to the sixth year class. Apparently the teachers talk and Vector told her I do sixth year arithmancy."

"I don't get it. You're supposed to be a fifth year, you're clearly capable of the work and more, and yet you're a fourth year with the rest of us."

"My parents want me to have the full Hogwarts experience if I'm going to be here, from first year to seventh." She said. "Plus I'm in no rush to leave Hogwarts."

After breakfast, Megan had somewhat warmed back up to Alex. Enough to let herself be led into the forest alone.
"If you brought me out here to kill me, Charlie knows I'm with you."

"If I told her it was an accident, she'd help me cover it up because I'd still be alive, but you wouldn't be. If she could still help at least one of us, she would."

"Good thing you're incapable of physically hurting anything. You'd probably apologise to a plant for stepping on it."

"I'm trying to do a nice thing. Don't make me regret it."

"I don't get what's so nice about a hike into the forbidden forest. Key word, forbidden. If you get us detention or lose us points- wait, am I going to meet the famous Kichiro?"


"Cool." She said, a little more excited and continued following Alex until they made it to the herd.

"Okay, we're here." Alex said. "You have to be careful. They can get spooked. Follow me."

"I'm following." She said and stepped behind Alex. Alex walked to Venus first and Megan emerged from behind her.

"Hey, girl." Alex said, reaching out to pet her softly. "This is my friend Megan."

"You called me your friend." Megan cooed.

"I will lose you in this forest and leave you at the mercy of the centaurs. They're really annoying."

"You met centaurs?"

"Just one. He was rude." She replied before turning back to Venus. "Here, put your hand out." Megan did as told and let Venus sniff her hand. After a few moments, Alex pulled Megan's hand back down and tugged her over to the smaller unicorn. "Megan, this is Kichiro."

"He's beautiful."

"He's almost two, so he's been shedding a lot. You can see some of his coat's growing back in silver." Alex said. "I try to groom him every day to help so he doesn't overheat. He sometimes has trouble with adapting his body temperature."

"Of course you're a horse expert." Megan scoffed. "Because you just know everything."

"Except how to be normal, apparently." Megan cracked a grin at that.

A/N- okay so no Snape in this chapter. But there will be a little confrontation between him and Alex in the next. Just a little scene, but, it happens and Snape's in a bit of a sticky situation. Some cute Celex coming up though, over the next couple parts, and some tough love from Hermione ☺️☺️
Anyways, hope y'all enjoyyyy 💖

Alexandra Weasley: Book 4Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz