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Alex knew exactly when Charlie and the dragons arrived. Saphira was with them, so Alex felt her familiar the moment she was in range. And when she landed, Alex made her way, following her bond. She snuck into the camp that had been set up and scanned for Saphira. Catching sight of her, Alex crawled through the brush, making sure to keep hidden.

Hello. Saphira sounded amused.

"Hi." Alex whispered. "It's nice to see you. I missed you." Saphira stood proud, her eyes sparkling.

Obviously. Alex laughed quietly. Saphira looked alert and stretched her wings out before casually using one to hide Alex. Alex realised why upon hearing her brother's voice.

"Hey, girl." He said gently. "Guessing you're hiding my sister there?" Alex huffed and came out.

"How'd you know?"

"Set up alert charms. I thought it'd take you a little longer to get here though."

"Whatever you're doing with the dragons- Saphira's not going to be a part of it, is she?"

"No, she just seemed to know we were coming to Hogwarts and wouldn't let us leave without her."

"You missed me too." Alex accused the dragon.

Perhaps. Alex grinned.

"One of these days, I'd like to know what she's actually saying." Charlie said.

Tell him only if we can go for a fly.

"Only if I can fly out with her for a bit."

"Can you wait a few months? Getting the dragons here without being detected was hard enough." Alex nodded.

"Okay, fine." She said. She looked up at the sky. "It's getting dark. It'll be dinner soon." She turned to Saphira. "I'll be back, I promise."

I know. Saphira replied and Alex left.

In the dinner hall, she sat beside Cedric- the seat next to her empty as usual.
"I think I'm going to put my name in for the tournament." Cedric said and she almost dropped her spoon.


"It'd be ace if I won."

"It'd be ace if you didn't do stupid stuff." Across the table, Charlie (her friend not her brother. It was confusing with both of them in Hogwarts now.) sucked in a breath.

"It's not stupid." He defended. "It's an honour."

"Doing a bunch of dangerous, life-threatening tasks is an honour?"

"Winning the tournament for Hogwarts is an honour."

"And since when do you care about glory?"

"Since when do I not? I want to win for Hogwarts. I'd just rather win fair."

"What if you get hurt?"

"It's not the same as it used to be. There are guidelines in place."

"Yeah, because no one gets hurt at Hogwarts." She said sarcastically.

"Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean everyone around you doesn't either." He said, and left the great hall.

It was their first real fight. Usually Cedric shrugged off anything offensive she said, but this time he was determined to give her the cold shoulder. She wasn't even sure if it counted as a break up. He'd taken to avoiding her at all times, even in their arithmancy class.

The squabble carried on for days, neither willing to apologise. Alex spent all of her time either with Kichiro or Saphira, even avoiding the library in case he was there.

The Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students arrived on the twelfth of October. She saw Draco greet Krum as though they were old friends and laughed at Ron's jealous expression. She gave Amélie a small wave and the girl joined her along with her friends once they all entered the great hall. Megan snorted derisively as Alex introduced Amélie as a friend.
"Ignore Megan, she's very bitter."

"You'll have to excuse me for my shock. You push away any friends you make. I'm just surprised you got one to stick without Hermione's help."

"Really? You think now's the time to argue?" Charlie scolded before smiling pleasantly at Amélie. "Sorry, those two are very immature. I'm Charlie, that's Megan and this is Hannah and Susan. You already know Alex, I guess."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Amélie. These are my friends Valerie and Marcel."

"Hi." Charlie said kindly. She was really the most civil of her friends.

"You didn't tell me you were coming to Hogwarts." Alex said and Amélie shrugged.

"I could not. I was not allowed."

The goblet of fire was presented to all three schools the next day. Alex and Hermione sat nearby, the latter working on her SPEW campaign and the former researching ways to help Kichiro through his horn regrowth. She'd mashed the last of her whispering peppermint into a paste and had been applying it to him every night, but there was never nothing else to do. The only reason the girls were in the entrance hall was because Alex wanted to see the twins fail to put their names in because there was no way they'd get past the age line.

She saw them walk into the hall and brag about their ageing potion.
"Okay, watch out for their failure!" She said and Hermione rolled her eyes but tore her eyes away from her books. They walked past the line successfully at first but then there was a loud noise and they were both thrown back. Alex laughed openly at the sight before her. Fred and George were rocking long white beards, and their eyebrows had also turned white to match. Hermione, who was kinder than Alex, at least attempted to hide her amusement, but didn't see much point when the twins themselves joined in with the laughter.

"I did warn you," Dumbledore walked out of the great hall. "I suggest you both go up to Madam Pomfrey. She is already tending to Miss Fawcett, of Ravenclaw, and Mr. Summers, of Hufflepuff, both of whom decided to age themselves up a little too. Though I must say, neither of their beards is anything like as fine as yours." Dumbledore then continued up the stairs, presumably to go to his office, and the twins trailed away, holding their beards. Alex let out one last laugh before turning back to her book. It wasn't until Hermione nudged her five minutes later that she noticed Cedric walk in. She watched him put his name in the goblet and walk back out. He glanced at her, but didn't walk over. She turned and rushed up the stairs, Hermione following after her.

A/N- Yeah, I had to add a bit of angst. Sorry. Hope you guys enjoyyyy 💖💖

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