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Alex managed to put Cho Chang out of her mind for the ball. She met Cedric in the common room and the two of them headed to the hall together. They stood with Hermione and Viktor near the front. Alex moved to fix her boyfriend's tie.
"That's like the fifth time in ten minutes. Are you nervous?" Cedric accused.

"No." She denied. "It's just wonky."

"Lying really isn't your best skill."

"Are you calling me a liar?"

"Alex." He didn't raise to the bait. "What is it? What's wrong?"

"Nothing." She smiled pleasantly. "I'm just a little worried about Mari."

"Okay." He said, unconvinced. He let it go anyway.

"You've got a bit of fluff in your hair." She said, and reached up to brush it off.

"Thank you." He looked puzzled. She smiled brightly and looked at Professor McGonagall as she called the champions together. The two champions and their dates didn't have to move much though, and waited for the other pairs to join. They soon did.

The feast was a little weird. Percy sat at the table next to Madam Maxine. Alex avoided the seat next to him, forcing Harry to fall into it.
"Hey, do you want to go flying tomorrow?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, I'd like that." He smirked. "I'm going to win."

"In your dreams, Diggory." Alex teased back. "I'll thrash you."

"Sounds like a challenge."

"Maybe for you. Definitely isn't for me."

"Wanna bet?"

"With what?" She asked. "The only we have left to give up is our dignity and I prefer to tarnish yours when you don't expect it."

"Really? There's nothing you can think of?" He asked.

"Well," she leaned closer to his ear. "A ride on Saphira?"

"Would that be my win or yours?" He asked.

"Right. I don't know, I'm pretty content." She shrugged. "How about we play for bragging rights?"

"Sounds wonderful."

"Try not to make out in front of all these teachers." Hermione muttered quietly, leaning over and Alex glared at her friend.

"You see that I have a fork in my hand, right? A very sharp fork." Hermione grinned wickedly and turned away. "Remind me why she's my friend?"

"Because you love her." Cedric laughed good naturedly.

The first dance was sweet. Having practiced, alone and with each other, Alex and Cedric moved with a fluid ease that made them look as one.
The dance soon finished, and the beat slightly lifted. Some people left the floor, but Alex and Cedric stayed together.

"Are you having fun?" He asked and she grudgingly nodded.

"It's not the most terrible thing I've endured." Her tone was long suffering, though playful.

"That's a compliment." He stated, and twirled her. In her spin she caught sight of Chang watching them so when Cedric pulled her back, she pulled him even closer to her. "Oh, hello."

"If I was sick, who would you have brought?" She asked.


"Tonight. If I was really sick, who would you have brought in my stead?"

"If you were really sick, I wouldn't be at a party dancing with another girl." He frowned. "I'd be with you."

"You're a champion. Your presence is mandatory, you have to come and bring a date."

"They can't force me. It's tradition, not actually part of the tournament, so what? Am I gonna lose house points? You'd probably end up winning them back for us in the space of an hour."


"Worth it." He shrugged. "Besides, I could always pretend I was sick, or ruin my dress robes so I have nothing to wear."

"Be serious." She said.

"I am." He promised. "I wouldn't be here with anyone but you. You're my girlfriend, and I love you, remember?"

"I love you too."

The song ended and another soon took its place. After the third dance, Alex pulled Cedric off the floor so they could sit for a moment. She sighed. "My feet ache."

"I'll give 'em a massage later."

"Nice way to earn boyfriend points."

"Well, I did drag you out here." He winked. "I'm a little parched. Want anything?"

"Blackcurrant juice, please."

"Coming right up." He stood up and walked away. Hermione fell into the seat beside her looking upset.

"I recognise that face. What did Ron do?"

"You always assume it was Ron."

"I know the difference between your 'Ron's a prick' and 'someone else is a prick' expressions now." Hermione looked skeptic. "Am I wrong?"

"We can talk about it later. For now I think you need to go rescue your boyfriend from a certain hexing and deranged Ravenclaw." Alex looked up and saw Chang sidling up to Cedric. She looked torn.

"Are you sure?" Hermione nodded.

"Yes, go. I promise. Besides Viktor should be around shortly." Alex hesitated but at Hermione's firm nudge, stood and headed over.

"Thanks, Ceddy." Alex took a cup out of Cedric's hand effectively inserting herself between him and Chang. "Hey, Hermione suggested a double date in Hogsmeade with her and Viktor. That should be nice, right?"

"Sure." He looked confused.

"Perfect." Alex beamed. "She's over there, let's go talk to her."

"We're in the middle of a conversation, actually." Chang glared.

"And you think you have the right?" Cedric's arm snaked around her waist and he pulled Alex closer, as though attempting to hold her back.

"You don't own him."

"Of course not. But you can't try to hex me and act like nothing happened. Good luck with your meeting with Dumbledore, by the way." Alex pulled Cedric away.

"She tried to hex you?" He asked, concerned.

"She thought she could get me out of the way so you'd take her to the ball."

"That's what the questions were about earlier? And all the tie adjusting and stuff?"

"I trust you. I don't trust her."

"You could've told me."

"I didn't want to ruin your evening." He gave her a hug.

"You could never ruin my evening." He muttered and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Come on, I think our Gryffindor needs a little cheering up."

Alex and Cedric sat down on either side of Hermione as they approached the upset girl. "I'm so tired!" Alex said dramatically. Hermione glanced at her, clearly not in the mood for her antics.

"But we just had a break. I want to dance!" Cedric answered just as dramatically, as though he was reading from a prompter. Alex saw the corners of Hermione's lips turn up at their ridiculousness.

"It's a real shame." Alex agreed.

"You two are idiots who deserve each other, did you know?" Hermione laughed.

"Thanks. So what do you say? Will you dance with me?" Cedric stood and held out a hand. Hermione took it.


A/N- I love the Cedric/Hermione friendship. He's genuinely like a brother to her 😭😭

Alexandra Weasley: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now