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The next time Alex saw her uncle was Friday. She met him for her second session with the mind healer. The first hadn't been anything noteworthy. Shay Young called it a get to know each other session. Alex didn't do much speaking.
"You can trust her. She's taken many vows on top of her healer oaths. Nothing you tell her will ever be repeated." Snape assured and Alex shrugged.

"Yeah, okay." After dropping her off, Snape left with the promise to be back at the end of the hour. Alex walked into the office.

"Alex, hi. How are you doing today?"


"Not up to much talking again?" Alex just shrugged. "That's fine."

"Aren't I supposed to say stuff?"

"Not if you don't want to." Alex studied the lady. "But if you do want to say something, you can. It can be about anything."

"When did you know you wanted to be a mind healer?"

"Not until my final year at Hogwarts. I bounced from career profession to career profession before I realised what I wanted to do." Shay smiled kindly at Alex. "Do you have any plans?"

"I want to get my BATs in potions and alchemy. And maybe care of magical creatures."

"Oh? And do you want to be a healer?"

"No, I just really like potions and alchemy's fun too. I want to work with animals."

"That's nice." Alex shrugged, having spoken more than she'd meant to. "Do you know what kind of animals you'd like to work with?"

"All kinds." She shrugged.

"Like a magizoologist?"

"Kind of, I think."

"That's perfectly okay, to not know exactly."

"My whole life, I used to want to be a potioneer." She offered.

"What changed your mind?" Alex shrugged. She wasn't sure she wanted to tell a stranger about Kichiro. "You'll be starting your fifth year?"

"Fourth." She corrected. "I missed a year of school."

"And how does that make you feel?" Alex shrugged.

"I like my friends in my year. I don't really know anyone in the year above. But I am in an arithmancy class with the to-be sixth years."

"How does that work?"

"I took end of year tests for all my subjects in June and an OWL in arithmancy."

"Why arithmancy?"

"I joined a study group with them in my second year, so when I was applying for my third year classes, Snape suggested I take a test to see if I could join the fifth years."

"And is the class comfortable?" Alex shrugged. "You understand the material?"

"My brother Bill took arithmancy. He used to teach me what he knew, so it's nothing new."

"How old were you?" Alex shrugged again.

"I think, maybe 6?"

"And you understood the school workload?"

"Well, Bill used to go through his revisions in the summer so it wasn't everything. And he'd dumb it down. He said it helped him understand when he broke it down into simpler terms."

"You must be very close." Alex didn't answer. "What does Bill do now?"

"He's a cursebreaker at Gringotts."

Alexandra Weasley: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now