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Setting up Pansy and Draco to have some time alone was rather easy. Alex passed a note down to Blaise telling him to meet her in the courtyard after class with Draco and when the lesson came to a close, walked with Pansy. She purposely pretended to just happen across the boys, acting surprised at their presence. Blaise looked amused.
"Oh, Blaise I was going to return that arithmancy book you wanted to borrow. Why don't you come with me and you can check it out straightaway?"

"What book?" He asked, knowing full well she was lying through her teeth and she glared.

"You remember, identifying curses and hexes under the sun and moon?"

"Right, yeah." He gave in under her gaze.

"Draco, wasn't there something you wanted to talk to Pansy about?" She asked, and dragged Blaise away. He laughed once they were out of earshot.

"Matchmaker was not a look I'd ever expected to see on you." He teased.

"Draco's never going to ask without assistance, and if he doesn't ask she'll eventually say yes to someone."

"Got anyone for me? Say Shafiq, maybe?" It was Alex's turn to laugh.

"You wish. Laila's not going with anyone."

"Why not?"

"Because she doesn't want to go with anyone. Her reasons are her own, Zabini."

"Alright." He held out his hands.

"Don't you already have a date?"

"Yeah, but... Laila Shafiq." He shrugged.

"Seriously?" She glared, revolted.

"Yes." Blaise said.

"You're a prat." Alex scrunched her nose in disgust.

Charlie insisted on another sleepover that evening, insisting it was their tradition to have a Hufflepuff sleepover once a year at least.
"No truth or dare." Alex said.

"That's half the fun."

"I always end up drawing the short straw with public humiliation."

"Yeah, me too." Ernie agreed. "I agree with no truth or dare."

"Boring." Charlie huffed.

"I'll go get some snacks from the kitchens." Alex offered.

"I'll help." Hannah jumped up and the pair left the common room.

"How are your parents?" Alex asked and Hannah looked downcast.

"They're separating for real now. Mum says they've past the point of repair and there's no point in prolonging it."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"I'm going to live with mum in the summers. They worked it out. I can see my dad if I want, but mum's a witch and dad wouldn't understand or something like that." She rolled her eyes.

"Isn't your dad a wizard? The Abbotts are a pureblood family aren't they?"

"Yeah, my dad took my mum's name when they got married. He's muggle, so mum's better suited to keeping me." Hannah's tone was slightly disbelieving.

"You don't believe them?" Alex asked. Hannah just shrugged. "Parents can be sucky sometimes, I guess."

"Is everything okay between yours?" Hannah frowned and Alex nodded.

"Between them? Definitely. I'm just a bitter person, if you hadn't realised." Hannah grinned.

"I almost wish Megan was here to tell you how wrong you are."


"Well, I don't want you guys to fight, and you do that a lot."

"Megan just keeps me on my toes. She doesn't let me get away with treating you guys badly, which is a good thing." Alex said softly. "It makes us really good friends despite the arguments."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Half the time we get on each other's nerves, but it's not serious." Alex reached up and tickled the pear.

The next morning, Alex crept out of her dorm long before any of her roommates woke up and went to go check on the unicorns. Kichiro intercepted her first, nudging her arm until he got her attention.
"Hey boy." She laughed, as she pet him. "You saw me yesterday, what's with all the affection?" He let out a whine, his eyes closing softly. "Feeling a little neglected? I'm sorry. I just want to help Mari. You know she's got a baby on the way." She stroked his mane back softly. "Tell you what, let me go make sure everything's okay with her and then you and I can go for a walk. Deal?" He looked up at her as though sizing her up before snorting in agreement. "Okay, boy. Just stay here a sec."

She checked on Mari, making sure the mare and the foal were okay. Mari seemed a little dehydrated, so Alex pulled out a large bucket. Raising her wand, she incanted, "Aguamenti." Water from the river shot over and into the bucket and Alex let Mari drink in peace. She led Kichiro out from under the watchful eye of Mars. "Come on, Kich. Let's go for that walk."

She ended up leading him towards the dragons. "I think we might meet my brother actually, and Saphira. Saphira's a dragon, you see." She continued nattering until they reached her. "Kichiro, this is Saphira. Saphira, meet Kichiro." Alex introduced. Saphira crouched down and Kichiro whinnied, as he walked closer to her. Saphira bowed her head low, rubbing it on the side of Kichiro's head.

You've brought me a unicorn.

"Kichiro is not a toy nor a game. He's my unicorn. Saphira, be nice."

You love him.

"I do." Alex agreed, smiling at the colt she'd known for over two years.

As he loves you.

"What?" Alex asked.

I can sense it. He loves you as his own. Almost as much as he loves his mother. You're his human as much as you're mine. Saphira explained.

"What exactly do you sense?" Alex asked.

I see images of you. He feels love and happiness around you.

"Really?" Alex threw her arms around Kichiro.

"I know you said you knew unicorns, but to be able to lead one away from it's herd is another thing entirely." Alex looked up and saw her brother.

"Hi, Charlie." She smiled at him. "This is Kichiro."

"He's gorgeous." Charlie walked closer. Alex stopped him when Kichiro began to tense up nervously.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now