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Laila came the next day, as promised, with a dress in a bag. Her sister apparated her in and disapparated them both out to Malfoy Manor.
"Be good. I'll be back at eleven." Alia told her sister.

"See you." Laila waved at her.

"Thanks for bringing us." Alex said before following after Laila. Laila rung the doorbell and they waited together. "This makes us even, right?"

"Sure. Probably wouldn't have actually told anyone, but yes. You coming with me makes us even."

"Why are you coming anyway?"

"My father wants me to network. Sometimes that means not offending his business partners. I think all the attention as an explorer convinced him I want to follow in his footsteps."

"Explorer." Alex snorted. "That's a stupid name."

"I like the descendants one. You know, makes us seem like we're descended from the actual founders." Alex rolled her eyes but was cut off from answering by the door opening.

"Professor." Laila said. Snape looked at her and then at Alex.

"Enjoy your evening." He said before moving past them and leaving. The girls exchanged glances with a grin.

There were a lot less people than Alex figured there'd be. It was by no means a small party, but the entirety of Slytherin house wasn't invited either.

"Weasley!" Blaise caught sight of her. Laila had long since left her side, leaving her to walk around exchanging pleasantries every once in a while.

"Zabini." She waved.

"Hey, so you're very close with Granger, right? Has she told you where to find the founders areas?"

"No." Alex said.

"But surely she would if you asked."

"I'm not asking. Besides everyone's gonna get to see it this year. Teachers will be splitting everyone up and taking them there in small groups when school starts, I believe."

"I don't want to see it at the same time as everybody. Come on, you can't say you're not curious."

"I can honestly say I'm not." He tutted.

"We'll need to change that." He slung an arm around her shoulder. She elbowed him in reply, moving out of his grasp. He rubbed his side. "Ouch. Okay, I get it. Guess bruised ribs are better than broken ones."

"And you'd do well to remember it." She said, smiling sweetly. "And we're not changing anything about me."

"Are you sure? With a little tweaking-"

"Zabini, you are aware I have a sword that I take with me to school?"

"Are you threatening to poke me with it?" He smirked. "I could poke you back with my wand if you want."

"Ew." She shuddered. "I have a boyfriend, you know."

"You do?" He sounded genuinely surprised. "Who?"


"Captain of the Hufflepuff team? Isn't he dating the Ravenclaw seeker?"

"No!" Alex denied. "What? No!"

"Huh, good on you."


"Still I don't see him here right now." He wagged his brows flirtatiously.

"You won't be seeing much of anything if you keep that up."

"Are you gonna hit me?"

"There are a lot of ways I could hurt you." She said. He raised his hands in surrender.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now